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"The experiment was a failure, but at least it's over," I sighed, finishing my cranberry vodka. I had nursed it for so long that all the ice had melted, leaving it tasting like fruity water. "Thank God."

"Too bad," Bridget said in disappointment. "I was looking forward to watching Jungkook lose his cool."

"He still might. The experiment isn't over yet," Jules countered, wagging her finger.

A sense of unease crept down my neck. "Yes, it is. We decided on four phases: sadness, disgust, happiness, and fear."

"There are five phases," Jules replied, her hazel eyes twinkling with mischief. "The last one is jealousy - did you forget?"

"I never agreed to that!"

We were at The Crypt, Thayer's most popular off-campus bar, celebrating one last time before classes began on Monday. Students had started to return, making the bar far busier than earlier in the summer.

"But it's the best one," Jules argued, but was cut off by a familiar voice. "Y/N."

I stiffened at the sound of my name said in that voice – the voice that used to whisper to me at night and tell me it loved me – a voice I hadn't heard in two months, not since he showed up outside the gallery one day in July and demanded I speak with him. I tilted my head, and our eyes clashed – his hazel with my dark brown.

Jack towered over me, as handsome and preppy as ever in a navy-blue polo and khakis. He'd cut his hair – the blond strands were no longer the soft mess of curls I'd loved running my fingers through but shorter, closer-cropped to his skull.

My peripheral vision caught my friends' reactions to his unexpected appearance in one sweep: nervousness on Stella's face, trepidation on Bridget's, and anger on Jules's.

"What are you doing here?" I told myself I didn't need to be scared. We were in public, sitting smack dab in the middle of a crowded bar. I was surrounded by my friends and Booth, who eyed Jack like he'd like to dropkick the guy.

I was safe.

Still, my skin tingled with unease. I thought Jack had given up his quest to win me back, but here he was, looking at me like nothing had changed. Like I hadn't caught him with his pants down and buried inside a strange blonde the night he'd claimed to have a "fever." I'd dropped by his apartment hoping to surprise him with chicken soup and ended up being the one surprised instead.

"Can we talk?"

"I'm busy." I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and I wasn't interested in talking to a sober Jack, much less a drunk one.

"Y/N, please."

"She said she's busy, asshole," Jules snapped.

Jack glared at her. They'd never gotten along. "I don't remember speaking to you," he sneered.

"See if you remember when I stick my-" "Five minutes." I stood, my shoulders stiff.



"Are you sure?"

My friends all spoke at once.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'll be back in five, okay? If I'm not," I glared at Jack, "you can come looking for me with torches and pitchforks." He'd hover all night unless I spoke with him, and I'd rather get it over with.

"I have more than torches and pitchforks," Booth growled.

Jack flinched.

I followed him outside the bar and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Make it quick."

"I want you to give me another chance."

"I've already told you a thousand times – no."

Frustration clouded his face. "It's been months. What do you want me to do, fall to my knees and beg? Haven't you punished me enough?"

"It's not about punishment." Despite his impressive education, Jack couldn't grasp the simple concept. "It's about the fact that you cheated on me. I don't care how long it's been or how sorry you are. Cheating is unacceptable, and we are not getting back together. Ever."

His frustration turned into anger. "Why? You have a new man?" he growled. "You've found someone else and you don't need me anymore, is that it? I never knew you were like this."

"I won't tolerate that." My heart raced – Jack had never spoken so harshly to me before. "Your five minutes are up. This conversation is over." As I tried to leave, he grabbed my wrist, yanking me back. It was the first time he'd acted aggressively towards me, making my heart race faster but I remained calm. "Get your hands off me," I warned, "or you'll regret it."

"Who is he?" Jack's eyes looked wild and, with a sinking feeling, I realized he was not only drunk but also high – a dangerous combination. "Tell me!"

"There is no other guy, but even if there were, it's none of your business!" I wished I'd brought my pepper spray but resorted to the next best thing: kneeing him hard.

Jack let go, doubling over in pain. "You..."

Not waiting for him to finish, I raced back inside the bar, my pulse pounding in my ears.

I couldn't believe that had happened; Jack had never been so out of control before. He'd been persistent and slightly obnoxious but had never inflicted physical pain upon me. By the time I told my friends what happened and they went outside to confront Jack, despite my protests, he was gone. Yet my uneasiness lingered. You think you know someone until something happens that proves you never really knew them at all.




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