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Describing Jeon Jungkook brings a myriad of adjectives to mind: cold, beautiful, ruthless, and brilliant. Yet "patient" would never have made the list—until recently. Over the last few weeks, as he patiently guided me through various visualization and meditation exercises in preparation for my first earnest swimming endeavor, I've seen a different side of him.

Had someone suggested a couple of months ago that I'd be engaging in meditation and visualization with Jungkook—that enigmatic figure—I would have scoffed. But life, it turns out, is full of surprises. The exercises proved useful; envisioning myself by the water's edge, using deep breaths to steady my nerves, allowed me to slowly confront my aquaphobia. Starting with pools and gradually facing larger bodies of water, I even managed to dip a toe into a pool under Jungkook's reassuring presence.

The crippling fear of water that once seized me was now reduced to a manageable unease—at least on most days. Contemplating an oceanic flight still churned my stomach with dread, but progress was evident, and hope was my new companion.

But it wasn't just the triumph over fear that realigned the contours of my life. A seismic shift had occurred in my rapport with Jungkook. He transcended the label of my brother's friend to become a confidant—an ally whose presence sparked more than fraternal affection within me.

One disturbing conversation remained etched in memory: Madeline's sordid prophecies about Jungkook's intentions consumed my thoughts at times, igniting an inner fire I could neither quell nor fully embrace out of embarrassment.

Jungkook maintained an infuriating discipline since then; his composure was unyielding—void of any betraying desire or touch—even though I had glimpsed longing in his eyes once before.

That evening held the possibility for change.

"I'm nervous," Stella whispered from her crouch behind the couch—her figure so tall it demanded a deep bend to remain concealed. "Are you?"

"No," I lied through suppressed trepidation.

With great resolve and anticipation masked by nerves, I had orchestrated a surprise celebration for Jungkook's birthday—a feat he might loathe for all I knew. But no individual should face their birthday in solitude. When asked casually about his plans—feigning ignorance about the significance of the date—he mentioned poring over business documents.

Solemnly reviewing paperwork on one's natal day? Unacceptable by all means in my eyes. Tonight called for something more—a testament to companionship... no matter how unforeseen or unconventional it may seem.

Since I knew none of his friends other than Ralph, our Krav Maga coach, I kept the guest list intimate. The living room at Ralph's was brimming with a few familiar faces from the KM Academy—Jules, Stella, Bridget, Booth, and others—and all buzzed quietly in anticipation. Ralph had gamely offered his place for what Jungkook believed to be a low-key Halloween gathering for the regulars; their arrival was imminent.

I'd decided against a costume theme, suspecting it wasn't Jungkook’s preference. However, I remained hopeful about the party's success—after all, who doesn’t enjoy a good surprise? But then again, Jungkook was an exception to many rules.

A car door shut in the distance, and a ripple of excitement tightened my grip on elation. "Quiet! They're here," I hushed everyone with a fervent whisper.

Conversations ceased as the room fell into suspenseful silence.

"...help me set up," Ralph's voice carried through as he ushered us into action and flicked on the light switch.

TWISTED LOVE JEON JUNGKOOK X (READER) {Complete}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat