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"You already brought me welcome-to-the-neighborhood cookies," Jungkook said, staring at the basket on the dining table.

"These aren't welcome cookies," I replied, pushing the basket towards him. "These are an experiment. I tried a new recipe and wanted to see what you think."

He made an impatient noise. "I don't have time for this. I have a conference call in half an hour."

"It won't take you half an hour to eat one cookie."

Yes, I had managed to get inside Jungkook's house again, this time for the second phase of Operation Emotion: Phase Disgust. Neither Jungkook nor I mentioned his...uh, situation from a few days earlier. Personally, I'd prefer if we both forgot about that morning entirely. "Fine," he said, peering at the confections with suspicion. "What flavor are they?"

Asparagus, raisins, and garlic brittle. I had deliberately chosen the most revolting combination of ingredients I could think of because this was, after all, Phase Disgust. Part of me felt a little guilty because he had been quite nice the night we watched those movies, and he had even canceled his date for me. However, another part of me was still a bit annoyed by how he had treated Owen, who was now too afraid to talk to me because he feared Jungkook's sudden appearance and aggressive behavior. I cleared my throat. "It's a surprise."

I tightly clasped my hands beneath my thighs and nervously tapped my foot as Jungkook brought a cookie to his mouth. I had almost jumped forward to knock it out of his hand, but my curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to see how he would react.

Would he spit it out? Gag? Throw the cookie at me and kick me out of the house? He chewed slowly, his expression revealing no emotion whatsoever.

"Well? What do you think?" I tried to inject fake enthusiasm into my voice. "Are they good?"

"You baked these," he stated rather than asked.


"You baked the red velvet cookies, and you baked...these."

My bottom lip disappeared behind my teeth. "Uh-huh." I couldn't meet his gaze. Not only was I terrible at lying, but I also struggled to keep a straight face.

"They're fine."

My head snapped up. "What?" The cookies weren't good; they were terrible. I'd tried one myself and nearly gagged. Asparagus and garlic brittle just didn't mix.

Jungkook finished chewing, swallowed, and brushed the crumbs from his hands. "They're fine," he insisted. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a call to take."

He left me in the dining room, mouth agape.

I picked up a cookie from the basket and cautiously took a bite-Blech! I gagged and darted into the kitchen to spit out the monstrosity, then rinsed my mouth with water to eliminate the lingering aftertaste.

Jungkook must have had unusual taste buds because no normal person could've eaten those cookies without at least grimacing.

There was only one explanation that made sense.

"He's definitely a robot."



What makes men happy?

This question had troubled me during the lead-up to the third phase of OE. Most factors contributing to happiness didn't apply to Jungkook or our situation.

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