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"I hope you appreciate what a good friend I am," Jules yawned as we strolled across our front yard toward Taehyung's house. "Waking up at the crack of dawn to help your brother clean and pack when I don't even like him."

I laughed and looped my arm through hers. "I'll buy you a caramel mocha from The Morning Roast afterward. Promise."

"Yeah, yeah," she paused. "Large, with extra crunch toppings?"

"You know it," I replied.

"Fine," Jules yawned again. "That makes it somewhat worth it."

Jules and Taehyung were not fans of each other. I'd always found that odd, considering how similar they were - outgoing, charming, intelligent, and heartbreakers.

Jules was like a human version of Jessica Rabbit, with shiny red hair, creamy skin, and curves that made me look at my body with a sigh. Generally, I was content with my appearance, but being part of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee made me wish for an extra cup size or two without resorting to plastic surgery. Ironically, Jules sometimes complained about her double-Ds, saying they were hard on her back. There should be a Venmo for breasts that allows women to send and receive cup sizes with the press of a button.

Like I said, I was content with my looks most of the time, but no one - not even supermodels or movie stars - is immune from insecurities.

Aside from her breast complaints, Jules was the most confident person I'd ever met. My brother came close, boasting an ego so large it could house the entire East Coast with room left over for Texas. He had reason to be: always a golden boy and undeniably handsome - six-foot-two with thick black hair and razor-sharp bone structure - which he never let anyone forget.

Jules and Taehyung never revealed why they disliked each other, but I suspected it was because they recognized themselves in each other. As the front door was already open, we didn't bother knocking.

To my surprise, the house was quite clean. Taehyung had put most of his furniture in storage the previous week, leaving only a couch, a few kitchen items, and an odd abstract painting in the living room to be packed.

"Taehyung?" My voice echoed in the vast empty space while Jules sat on the ground, pulling her knees to her chest with a grumpy expression. Clearly not a morning person. "Where are you?"

"Bedroom!" I heard a loud thump upstairs, followed by a muffled curse. A minute later, Taehyung came down holding a large cardboard box. "These are for donation," he explained, setting it on the kitchen counter.

I wrinkled my nose. "Put a shirt on, please."

"And deprive JR of her morning eye candy?" Taehyung smirked. "I'm not that cruel."

I wasn't the only one who thought Jules looked like Jessica Rabbit; Taehyung always called her by the cartoon character's initials, which annoyed her to no end. Then again, everything Taehyung did seemed to bother her. Jules lifted her head and scowled. "Please, I've seen better abs at the campus gym. Listen to Y/N and put a shirt on before I lose last night's dinner."

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much," Taehyung drawled, slapping a hand against his six-pack. "The only thing you'll be losing is-"

"Okay." I slashed my arms through the air, cutting off the conversation before it went down a path that would scar me for life. "Enough chitchat. Let's get you packed up before you miss your flight."

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