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"...and then he said, 'Never ask Y/N to do something like this again, or else,' Jules finished dramatically before taking a sip of her caramel mocha.

"Shut up." Stella leaned forward, her eyes wide. "He did not say that." "No, he didn't." I shot Jules a disapproving look. "Stop exaggerating."

"How would you know? You were in the bathroom," she countered. When my frown deepened, she sighed. "Fine. He didn't say those exact words, at least not the last part-but the general idea was the same. He did warn Owen away from you though." Jules took a bite of her cranberry scone.

"Poor Owen." Guilt stirred within me as I traced absentminded patterns on the table. Jules, Stella, Bridget, and I were at The Morning Roast for our weekly Tuesday coffee catch-up, and Jules had been entertaining the girls with an embellished account of what happened at Owen's house on Saturday. "I wish he hadn't been dragged into this. All those hours of shooting, gone."

I worked with Owen at the McCann Gallery, where I had been a gallery assistant for the past year and a half. My father had never explicitly disapproved of me pursuing a photography career but made it clear that he wouldn't fund any of my equipment. He paid for my tuition and other school-related expenses; however, gear like new lenses, cameras or even tripods was up to me.

I tried not to let his unspoken disapproval bother me. I knew I was fortunate to graduate without student loan debt and wasn't afraid of hard work. The fact I'd spent my own money on every piece of equipment made me appreciate them more, and I enjoyed my job at McCann. It was one of the most prestigious photography galleries in the Northeast, and I loved my coworkers, though I wasn't sure whether Owen would want anything more to do with me after what Jungkook had done.

Even now, my skin flushed with anger at the memory of his overbearing attitude.

I couldn't believe he'd had the audacity to show up and boss me around like that. To threaten my friend. To treat me like a servant or an employee. Not even Taehyung had gone that far.

I angrily poked at my yogurt with my fork.

"Sounds like I missed an interesting time," Bridget sighed. "All the fun stuff happens while I'm away."

Bridget had been attending an event at Eldorra's New York consulate, as required of the Princess of Eldorra. That's right - she was a genuine princess, second in line to the throne of a small but affluent European country. With her golden hair, deep blue eyes, and elegant bone structure, she resembled a young Grace Kelly. I hadn't known Bridget's identity when she, Jules, Stella, and I were assigned to the same suite freshman year. Besides, I would have expected a princess to have a private room.

But that was the best part about Bridget. Despite her extraordinary upbringing, she was one of the most down-to-earth people I'd ever met. She never flaunted her status and insisted on living life as a regular college student whenever possible. In that respect, Thayer was the perfect fit for her. Its proximity to D.C. and its world-class international politics program attracted numerous political offspring and international royalty. Just the other day, I'd overheard the Speaker of the House's son and a controversial oil kingdom's crown prince debating over video games.

You can't make that stuff up.

"Trust me, it wasn't fun," I grumbled. "It was humiliating. And I owe Owen a dinner, at least."

My phone flashed with a new text from jack. Again.

I swiped away the notification before any of my friends saw it. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him or his excuses right now. "Au contraire, I thought it was hilarious," Jules finished eating her scone. "You should've seen Jungkook's face; he was furious."

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