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"Anton it's time to go. Enough of this," Shotaro said when they found Anton at the restaurant.
"I'm not going anywhere with you. Z is the only person who understands me," Anton replied angrily.
"She's using you," Shotaro replied.
"Me?! I will admit, I kind of am using you but I'm only using you to be with me because I love you," Z said.
"You love me?" Anton asked.
"Don't listen to her," Shotaro said.
"Of course I love you! You're so sweet and kind. You're perfect for me. So, how about you come stay with me and ditch this crazy group," Z said.
"Good idea! I hate RIIZE anyways," Anton said. Everyone gasped.
"You don't mean that, do you?" Sohee asked.
"Yes I do. I hate you and everyone else here," Anton said angrily. Sohee sadly ran away with Sungchan, Eunseok and Seunghan following him.
"I really thought you were my friend," Wonbin said angrily.
"I hated you all along. You're just as annoying as the rest of them," Anton said coldly.
Wonbin angrily walked away.
"If you hate us so much, NEVER COME BACK," Shotaro said angrily. He turned and walked away.
"Anton you're making a big-"
"Stop telling me what to do Shadows. You're the worst," Anton said angrily.
Shadows angrily walked away.

She walked back to RIIZE's house to find everyone comforting Sohee who was crying.
"Don't get too upset over him. He's not worth your energy," Shadows said as she hugged him.
"You're right. He's not worth it," Sohee replied.
Shadows went to go find Shotaro who was sitting in his room.
"Hey cutie. You okay?"
Shotaro sighed. "Not really. I think we're going to get into a lot of trouble because of Anton."
"We'll just have to explain everything to everyone. They'll understand," Shadows said.
"What if they don't? Then everyone will blame me," Shotaro asked sadly.
"They won't blame you. You'll be fine," Shadows said.
"I'm worried...."
"Don't worry about Anton, he made his choice."
"No...I'm worried about us..."
"Us? Why?" Shadows asked.
"Because I don't want anyone getting mad that we're together. It could ruin our lives," Shotaro said.
"Don't worry baby. We're going to be fine. What matters right now is that we are happy."
Shadows laid down next to Shotaro and cuddled with him.
"I love you," Shadows said.
Shotaro hugged her closer. "I love you too."
And with that, they both fell asleep.

Z took Anton to her house and they both walked inside. She pulled him into a hug.
"So...do you love me back?" Z asked.
"I mean...we just met like yesterday so-"
"Yes or no. Now answer me," Z said angrily.
"Okay fine! I...I love you..."
"Good boy. Now come here."
Anton nervously moved closer to her and she pulled him into a kiss. After they pulled apart, Anton seemed anxious. Z smiled coldly.

"You're mine now."

Eyes On You (A RIIZE Romance/Thriller Story)Where stories live. Discover now