"You're gorgeous, Daddy!"

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(October 25th, 11:35am, Thursday)
Johnny's POV:
Me and Mrs. Curtis made a plan and I pull my car into their garage so Pony can't see. I walk in grinning and she's bouncing up and down. She immediately hugs me and shrieks happily. I feel something at my feet and almost melt when I see it.

"Aw you got a dog?!" I coo.

"It's for Ella, ya'know I've been showing her picture books and stuff. And for Soda I guess because our last was his." She explains.

"What is he?" I pout.

"He's a Havanese." I act like I know what that means.

We end up going to target and getting more stuff for Annie because after all it's her birthday.

By the time we get back in three-thirty-nine, which means Pony and Annie will be here anytime now.

I decide to hide behind the kitchen counter. Annie comes in giggling and runs straight to her room.

Pony puts his stuff down before coming back and sitting on the couch, or maybe laying.

"How was school?" Mrs. Curtis goes over and sits beside him. I peak and around and he is laying.

"Ugh, it's so boring. I really just sit around and do college work all day, because I think all the teachers in school just want me to hurry up and graduate." He sighs. I forget that Pony's been taking online college courses since last year.

"Well, you've been valedictorian every year except for sophomore year, so they're probably are tired of you bud." She pats him and I start crawling from behind the counter to behind the couch.

Then I finally take his face and he gasps before smiling and I kiss him, "Hi, baby."

"I didn't know you were coming." He sits up and leaves me room to sit.

Annie comes running out her room with the puppy, she puts it down carefully before continuing her run over to me, "Daddy!" Goodness gracious alive, she's Ponyboy's baby.

I scoop her up and sit her in my lap, she kisses my cheek and gives me her little grin.

"How's your birthday, girlie?!" I ask enthusiastically.

"Miss, Daddy." She points at me. The little sparkle in her eye is gonna make it impossible to ever go back to campus.

"You missed me?!" I continue.

She nods.

"She did, she woke up in a fit. I could barely get her to daycare she was so upset." Mrs. Curtis shakes her head tiredly.

"Daddy, me show!" She tugs on my fingers and hops out of my lap. She points at Pony and Mrs. Curtis too.

"Daddy, G-Ma, me show!" Her little voice is strong as she has us follow her to her room. All the things she got are lied out on her bed.

She scoots some of them over and tells me to sit. I do as I'm told and she opens a little package of hair bows and clips.

I mouth at Mrs. Curtis and Pony, "oh shit."

She gets behind me and slips my hair wonkily in half. I feel her bows getting pressed into my head, and then opens another packet with lipstick in it, and she takes the purple one and smashes into my lips.

"You're gorgeous, Daddy!" I don't even know how she knows that word?

"Thank you, princess." I smile like I don't feel stupid. Actually it's not stupid because she said I was beautiful.

Steve's POV:
We let the boys go over to the Curtis's house so they could play with Ellie-Belly since it's her birthday.

Then we come back home, so we can give them their bath and during so I'm shocked to hear Karder string together words.

"Ellie, pretty." His big green eyes nod at me.

"Ellie is pretty. She looks like Ponyboy." I point at Soda.

"Hair, big." Keegan joins. His voice is softer than Karders. Quieter.

"She does have long hair and it's curly." Soda agrees.

They both give us a thumbs up and we all giggle. We take them out, dry them, and dress them before kissing them goodnight. Well actually it's only eight-fifteen so they'll probably get up as soon as we leave.

Me and Soda go to sit on the couch and watch Real Housewives of Miami like how we always do, just because.

I give him a hug and like he has before his body tensed before it relaxes, but not too much.

"Take my love, Soda."

"Do you really love me?" He sounds desperate like he's holding onto memories for the last time. Like he isn't sure about me.

"Of course, baby. You're mine, I married you for a reason." I kiss his cheek when the tears me.

I can't take his daily crying. It makes me so sad.


"Yeah?" If staying silent was an option I would've taken that. But he needs me, I can feel it.

"Do you think I'll ever love me again?" His blue eyes are icy at the thought of himself. I know what it's like to hate yourself and I'll do anything to get somebody out of that.

"I do, Soda. I do, it's never too late too love yourself."

He kisses me square on my lips and as soon as it starts to feel good, as soon as his body relaxes and moans and grinds and blushes he stops. He pulls away in embarrassment.

"Do as you wish with me, hun." I put his hand on cock and let him lead.

Tonight can still be a good night.

-kinda short but some more important events happened and stuff, also guys I have a tea about how I'm finally talking to someone so message me if you want a spill 🤭, gnnnn-

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