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(November 30th, Thursday , 9:27am)
Pony's POV:
"Hey, Johnnycakes." I immediately kissed my fiancé and tugged his hand lightly over to the table so we could eat.

Then I paused mid step and everyone started laughing, "oh shit, Johnny's not that tall..." I blushed and turned back around and then turned again to look at him.

"Why didn't you tell me? I wasn't gonna realize that was your brother." I laugh with embarrassment.

He's little cackling at me and this beautiful dark skinned boy that's sitting next to him gets up.

"Are you his boyfriend?" My eyebrows move with worry.

"Yeah." He nods.

I hug him, "I'm so sorry." I can't wait all these people . They knew that in the morning I could forget that Morgan is two whole inches taller than Johnny.

I sit beside Johnny and they go sit on the other side of the table.

I tell everyone else 'Goodmorning' too, and then we begin to talk.

"So... Morgi, how did you meet Robert?" Mrs. Cade questions.

"Well it's more like how Berty found me." And then Morgan let Robby talk.

"So basically my parent didn't want me so I was under custody of my grandparents, but then when I was two or three my grandpa died. That left me with my grandma, but she passed when I was five and I remember I woke up to go to school that morning and she wouldn't wake up. So because I was five K basically kinda took care of myself for that whole week and then the police or whoever they are came busting through our door. Found her dead, and took me away. So then I ended up at Boarding school because I wasn't desperate for parents or anything. Then I met Cadey, when we first had to live together in kindergarten." He explained.

"People call you Cadey?" Darry giggled.

"Okay so my coaches called me by my last name, but then my football coach found out I was omnisexual and I date guys so he started calling me Cadey because it sounds 'Katie'. So everyone that I've played sports with calls me Cadey, but I also get called, Ry-Ry cause my middle name is Ryan. Moo-Moo, Mo-Mo, Moorgie, Morgie, Gi-Gi, Morey-pie, Cadey Cade. Literally everything, and the craziest part is... I respond to it all." He smiles.

"I love Cadey." Robby nods.

"How long have y'all been together?" Johnny questions.

"Four months." They answer.

"What about the rest of you?" I'm gonna call him Monrgie now, because that's adorable.

"Three years." I answer.

"Uhh.... We've known each other for eight years, but we didn't date until high school." Steve said it like a question. "Then we got married two years ago."

"Aw. I honestly forgot that was a thing people did?" Moorgie shrugged.

"Get married?" Robby raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I never thought about it. I've just been living life."

"Me either." Robby agreed, "for a long time I didn't think I was ever gonna get a boyfriend because every thinks I'm straight."

"Twice as many thought I was straight too." Moorgie blinks at him slowly.

"I remember those days." Brantley covers her mouth afterwards like it was a huge accident.

"Oh my gosh, what are you?!" Steve gets a sudden jolt of excitement. I'm wondering too, not even gonna lie.

She laughs nervously and goes completely red, "I don't wanna say yet."

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