"yes ma'am."

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(December 9th, Sunday, 1:46pm)
*kinda smut
Soda's POV:
Steve is snoring softly behind me, but nothing his manhood is soft. And I know, he's asleep, it's gonna happen. He's a normal person.

But something about feeling it poking into my back gets me going. My heart starts racing, and my body tingles. Everything in my pants wants out. And my nipples start to harden as well.

It gets to a point where I have to reach under my shirt just to relieve myself. I moan quietly, but then I hear Steve wake up.

He rolls me over to my back and I stop rubbing on my nipples and instead put my hands in between my legs. I look at him and then down.

Without saying a word he reaches under my shirt and picks up where I felt off. I grip onto the sheets to keep myself from combusting. Something on my chest is trickling down to the spot in me and the tip of my cock.

"You're so beautiful, Soda. You're my pretty boy, right?" He cooes.

I moan in response.

"Good, don't talk. Just sit and look sweet for me." He kisses my head.

He takes both of my nipples and flicks downward.

I felt it. I felt that same button in my vagina get pressed.

My core shivers before, my eyes rolling back, "Uhhhn~ you're hitting it~" I told him.

He did the same thing, but at a slowly pace. And it happened again, I lost control.

"Sweet boy~" he whispers, "If it feels good to fall apart, then just let me catch you." He gives my neck a small kiss.

He rubs back and forth, but I felt it on my dick. One more flick and I was gonna-

"Cumming~" I grabbed his shirt, my back arching, eyes crossed, a moan louder than I would've liked left my lips. Followed by a sweet slow whimper as I caught my breath.

"That was big." He hugged me.

"Yeah." Great, now my pants were wet.

*smut over

He told took them off me and wiped my cum off as well as he got me new ones and put them on me.

We then got up and went to check on the boys, who were both awake. We changed their diapers before letting them play with each other. It's adorable the way they babble about nothing.

Me and Steve head into the living room to watch a movie together. He pushes himself into my chest. I kinda wonder what would happen if I pushed him away?

I let my wonders win, and I scooped him off of me, "what if I don't wanna cuddle right now?" I smile.

"Soda." He whined.

I blinked at him slowly.

"Please, babe." He played with my hand.

"And if I don't let you?" I shrug.

He pouts.

"Seriously?" I laugh.

Then he sniffs and huffs. And tears fall from his eyes. I have to pull him back into my chest to get him to stop.

I brush back his hair and kiss his head, "you're crazy."

"I prefer clingy." He still whining with me. Dammit, I can't stop ever stop loving this clingy, crazy man.

Brantley's POV:
Guess who's spending the night with me, in our matching Jammie's.

My boyfriend.

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