"That's great."

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(January 31st, Friday, 6:30pm)
Johnny's POV:
"How many times are you gonna open that box and stare at that damn ring?" Normi rolls her eyes at me.

"Every time, I think about him." I sigh, "he's twelve weeks pregnant, Normi. I wanna see him and my baby girls. And the baby girl I already have. Besides that, I have to ask him to marry me in fifteen days. Fifteen days that's gonna go by so fast, and I'm scared."

"What? Is he gonna say, no? Johnny, you're gonna he's having your second and third child. He can't no." She nods.

"The fuck, he can." I nod back.

"Yeah, yeah. If you wanna worry." She waves me off.

"Well then I guess I wanna worry." I huff.

"Hey, I have news..." She looks over at me in a way that lets me know she has real news.

"Me and Mary, closed on a house this month with the help of our parents."

"That's great." I smile. It's only freshman year and she has a house? I wish me and Pony had a house!

"And... I'm pregnant." She continued.

I gasped, "I thought you didn't-"

"After we got engaged I agreed with Mary that I'd give her a baby. And there are no promises we'll have more, but for now I'm excited." She spoke softly.

"I'm so happy for you, figuring all your shit out. And y'all did it like it was easy." I say it so she knows I'm questioning how.

"Well I had been planning on proposing to her for while. And she had been saving for a house for while, so it was easy, but it took hella time. Like years and hard work, kinda time. But it happened... Johnny Cade, I'm not gonna be living on campus next school year." She almost whispered the last part and I really didn't want to hear her say that.

I do my best not to cry because she needs to move in with her fiancée, and I don't wanna slow that down.

Then she continues, "I'm still gonna go to this school and classes and stuff, but I won't have a dorm or anything. I'm giving luck that you have somebody else decent to stay with."

She looks up at the ceiling as she speaks and all I can think about is her beautiful side of this dorm being gone. All her pictures stung across her walk. Her lesbian flag in the corner. Her trippy ass rainbow bed sheets. The box of hair dye that sits on her dress but her crystal lamp.

"Johnny..." I feel her sit beside me and put my head on her shoulder and just cry. "Tomorrow's only February so we have that month, and March, April, May. And my house is only twenty minutes out from here, so you can come over whenever you want."

"Okay." I sniff.

She hugs me, dammit I'm gonna miss her. It's not like I ever have time to see any of my friends from high school.

Brantley's POV:
I've already gotten Lansy's Valentine's Day gift because I'm so excited give it to him. I got him a cookies and cream Hershey bar, a box of red hair dye, and another bracelet.

Tonight's a lonely night, but I'm okay with that. I put a movie on my tv, and decide to let myself watch it. It's interesting enough, this girl ends up falling in l love with her 'straight' best friend, who has a boyfriend.

In one of the scenes they Lowkey start getting into it... I feel myself tingling for as long as I can before I have to play with myself. I haven't done it much, I just started last year.

Dammit, just my fucking luck! My mom pops in my doorway right before I finish, "hey, so I was thinking about going to Kohl's tomorrow to try and find a cute winter vest or something."

My hand is still in my pants and I can literally feel the pulse of my clit, "yeah, sure."

"Anywhere else you wanna go? I'm not trying to have nothing to do on a Saturday." She looks annoyed.

"I could think of somewhere." I shift a little and my fingers set me straight off, with her in the doorway still.

I just close my eyes and take it, because it's not like she doesn't know what just happened.

Her face looks hard and tired of life, "you're just like your brother." She leaves and closes the door right behind her.

Steve's POV:
Soda's on top of me so I can cuddle him. He's being too cute right now.

He yawns into my ear.

"You tired?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He giggles and then moves my hands from his back, down to his ass.

I give it light squeezes and he sighs happily.

I come back up to his back, I'm not gonna let him enjoy too much without a price.

He tries to scoot me back down, but I stay up.

"Pleeeeaaaaaaaase Steve." He begins begging.

I just look at him and wait for him to beg hard enough.

He's rocked himself blushing, "what're you getting all hard for?" I tease.

His cheeks get redder and his big blue eyes just stare for a moment before he continues, "please can you just touch my ass?"

He hunches my inner thigh until he's shaking and I stop him, "Stop humping, you're gonna cum yourself." I remind him.

"Oh, yeah." He nods.

I finally give him his ass rubies he's been driving himself crazy over, and I feel his little thrust coming back.

He whimpers into my ear in desperation, "Soda, when's the last time you touched yourself?" I question.

"Like, a month ago." He answers, "mhm~ why am I tingling?" His eyes twitch.

"Cause you're thrusting on me, hun." I tell him.

He stops again and I feel kinda bad for making him feel guilty. I take his leg and swing it so he's straddling my thigh. He gets off in seconds. Panting and moaning in my ear.

He falls asleep on my chest, and I'm soon to follow.

-finished this last night and was too tired to post it, hope you enjoyed 🌸-

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