3rd of December (Extra)

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(A/n: This part is not a part of the normal story, it's just a request from my best friend <3)

The snow fell down harder into the earth, the ground was cover with pile snow, and it was very cold out.

Y/n walked through the snow, shivering, since they forget their jacket, and covered with snowflakes.

"It's freezing out" Y/n murmured, with a cough.

You noticed a bus stop, so you went over there and sat on the bench, the seats were cold but at least the snow was piled on top of you.

Y/n's phone buzzed, then got their phone out and saw a text from Luz asked 'Where are you? did you get lost in the snow? I can pick u up.'

 A smiled came on your face, and texted her back 'It's alr, I'll just take the bus'

Putting your phone back into your pocket, then wrapped your cold hands around your shoulder, trying to stay warm, but it was impossible, since the cold was getting worse

Y/n sniffed, the snow started to pile up more, after a while, they got up and started to walk again through the cold frozen floor, the snowflakes landed on their hair, you felt like you were going to get sick from the cold.

Then you heard some people walking through the snow behind you, then a warm sweater was put on your shoulders, you turned around to see Hunter.

"Take this, you'll get sick" Hunter said

"Oh Thank you" Y/n smiled and put the sweater on, it felt warm and cozy, and made things better.

Hunter walked next to you and said "Snowing a lot today huh?" With a light chuckle

"Yea, I'd never thought it snow today, it's just the third day of December!" The (H/c) person laughed.

Hunter put his hand on your shoulder "Well, you got something to keep you warm, my sweater"

"Aw, your so cute"

Rolling his eyes playfully "Cute my ass"

The snow started to fall at a normal pace, then Hunter pulled you over, you both standing under a light post.

"Come onn, I have to get back" Y/n laughed

Hunter smiled and brought his face to yours, inches apart from each other "I know, but I have something for you"

Y/n asked "Like what?"

He brushed some off your hair behind your ear to see your face clearly, a blush came on your face from the sudden actions

"What a-are you doing?" You asked, your voice turned into a flutter.

Hunter smiled "Just want to see that pretty face of yours"

He pulled you closer into a kiss, on the lips. As the snow fell into the grounds of the earths, the moment felt warm, addition to the sweater Hunter have given you

The Golden Criminal (Female Reader X Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now