Chapter 7

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Everything was just perfect. Me and Louis became best friends. He helped me a lot about singing and always was by my side. Louis and Eleanor still had problems. They were trying to find a way to deal with each other and get back to each other. Both of them loved each other. I couldn't change that.

Weeks passed by and we're in the final of X FACTOR! Can you believe it? I'm so happy about it. It looks like a dream. A girl band in final. Tulisa said we remind her of Little Mix' X Factor times.

Me, Claire, Nina, Katherine and Lana were in backstage. We sang all the songs. Ready to know the result. At backstage we met some famous singers. They were here to sing as guests. One Direction was here too. We were so happy to have them by our side.

"Okay Jenna, it's time for results I think. Don't forget this, if you weren't the winners of this year, you'll find a way to prove yourself to world. Trust me, I think you can beat all the girlbands out there." said Louis while taking my shoulders in his hands.

"Except Little Mix" I giggled.

Both of us burst out laughing.

We step on the stage and we were ready to know the result.

"I'm nervous girls." said Nina.

"All of us are nervous. But deep down in my heart I feel we're going to win." I said.

As Dermot started talking, I started thinking about all the times I had after my audition on X Factor. Meeting Louis Tomlinson. Apparently ruining his relationship with the girl he loves. Becoming best friends with him even if I'm madly in love with him. Having the best times with 4 sweet girls. Singing and living my dream. It was the best time of my life. My family respected my decision.

I can't believe they didn't left me alone in the final and they came to studio. Nothing could be better. But I knew. This wasn't going to stay like this. A voice in my head told me that there's something about to happen. And I felt so nervous about it.

"And the winner of the X Factor is..." Dermot said.

I can't remember what happened first but I saw the girls jumping and Tulisa hugging them. I felt tears in my eyes because of happiness. We were the winners of the X Factor. We made it.

"Awwww we did it. I'm so happy." said Lana while hugging me.

Most of people were clapping, screaming and jumping aroud like us. I still couldn't believe it. This most be a dream. An amazing dream. I saw my parents who were clapping and sending me kisses. Life couldn't be more great. But yes I forgot about that bad feeling. I thought it was for X Factor. But I still feel something will happen.

Dermot came to us "Congrats girls, What do you feel Nina?"

"It's just amazing, oh god. Thanks to all the people who voted and supported us. We owe you." said Nina and hugged all of us again.

We get back to backstage. Still jumping and crying of happiness. I felt someone behind me. I turned back to see Louis smiling like a 4 years old child.

I hugged him and screamed into his shoulder.

"You guys deserved to win. I'm so proud of you Jenna."Louis said.

I pulled out of the hug and looked straight into his blue eyes. "If you weren't here, I couldn't know what will happen. Thank you Louis for always being by myside." I said.

I saw Tulisa with two man. She seemed annoyed. She looked over at me and Louis with worried eyes. God knows what happened. I just really wanted to know.

"Louis.. Jenna! Are you going to come with us to the club? We and your mates are going to celebrate our winning in the club." Claire looked at Louis.

"Of course, why not. Lets take this to club and having fun." said Louis

We all cheered and began to walk to our cars. After 30 minutes we arrived to the nearest club. We all went in and started dancing, drinking and laughing. Louis and I talked for a bit. Then headed to dance floor.

Until that two man who talked to Tulisa came to us. I was worried. I just felt something awful in my heart.

"Hey guys. Could you please follow us?" one of those man said.

Louis seemed to know them "Of course. Come on Jenna." he said and took my hand.

We went out of the club to see Tulisa with that worried look. Tulisa took a step closer and took my hand.

"Jenna, I was going to say no but believe me I couldn't. It's for the best. So don't be mad at me." she said.

"Wh.. What happened?" I said and looked over to Louis who was confused like me.

Tulisa stayed silent.

"Can you guys please tell us what happened?" Louis shouted.

"Me.. and One Direction's management decided to.." said Tulisa and took a deep breath. She contiouned "From now.. You guys have to move in together and treat like you are in a relationship." said Tulisa and left us.

Deep down in my heart I felt happy. But I knew.. Louis' reaction wouldn't be good. I looked over to see him looking at the ground with sad and angry eyes.

"What the fuck did you guys decide?" Louis shouted.

"Louis calm down. This is what we decided. You should deal with it." said one of those man.


"Louis calm down. Please." I cry.

Louis pushed me. I fell on the ground and looked at him with teary eyes. How could he? It's not my fault.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Lana with amazed eyes. She helped to stand up.

"What happened? Why Louis is shouting?" said Lana.

Tears streamed down my face. My breath became heavier.

"Jenna are you okay?" she said worriedly.

I felt numb. Everything was spinning. My breath became heavier and heavier and heavier. My body began to shake.


After that, my eyes closed. Everything was black.

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