Chapter 20

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I was laying on the bed. God! Louis and I had an amazing night that I can’t even describe.

My head was on Louis’ bare chest. I moved my hand to his tattoos! They made him hotter. I just can’t believe how everything turned amazing like this.

I looked at his beautiful face. He was sleeping like a baby. I didn’t want to wake him up but we had to go in 3 hours so he had to wake up.

“Louis?” I whispered.

No movement! 

“Louis wake up.” I said smiling.

“AHHHHH let me sleep more!” he said with his sleepy voice hugged me so tight. 

“Louis we had to get ready.” I giggled!

He opened his eyes and looked at me with a smile on his lips. 

“I love it when you giggle! Do that more.” He said and kissed the top of my hair.

“Sure sir! So get ready now.” I said and grab the blanket with myself. 

“HEEEEEEEEEEEEY! You don’t let me see you and you don’t even give me something to cover myself.” He said laughing.

“Oppps! Sorry” I said running through the shower. I closed the door behind myself and got into shower. 

The hot water streamed on my body. I was so into the shower but I felt hands on my waist that made me jump.

“Shhh Jenna! It’s okay. It’s me!” Louis whispered. 

“Louis what are you doing here?” I blushed.

Louis was hugging me from back. Kissing my shoulder without saying a word. 

“Louis please stop you are making me blush!” I said with low voice.

He came in front of me and started looking at me up and down! I just closed my eyes! I hated this situation. Him staring at me like that and I standing there knowing nothing but freezing by his looks. 

“Did I tell you how amazing you were last night?” Louis eyes filled with lust again.

“Yeah you repeated like 60 times. Now let me wash myself.” 

“But  I think we don’t have to shower. We can do something else.” Now he was smirking. I clearly knew what does he mean.

“LOUIS! Just please stop my legs are sore and I have concert tonight. You will make fans know what we were doing so not again.. not now!” I said and continued washing myself.

“Okay sweetheart. But can I shower with you? You know.. Save the water, shower with Louis Tomlinson!” 

I burst out laughing. He always knew how to make me laugh!

I nodded as yes and kept washing myself. I watched him as he was doing the same. I just still can’t believe my dreams came true. I’m the luckiest person in the word.


I was out of shower. Of course Louis was still washing himself. He’s like a girl.. I mean worse than a girl!

I put on my clothes and brushed my hair and went out of the room to make something for Louis and myself. 

I was making omelet when I heard his phone buzzing. I went to see who it is.. ID caller was “Sexy Blondie”

Sexy Blondie? Who the hell is that? I picked up the phone and heard a girly voice. 

“Louis we need to talk. It’s important babe. I think.. I think I’m..”

I was waiting for the girl to speak but she didn’t say a word. 

“Louis are you even there?” she said.

“No Louis is not here. But he will be back soon. You can leave him a message and he will see.” I said nervously. 

“Who are you?” She asked.

“Sorry but it was my question.. Who are you?” I said. 

“None of your business sweetie. He will tell you verrryyyy soon!” She said and hung up.

Who the hell was that girl? What if Louis is cheating on me.

Louis’ phone buzzed again. It was a text. From the same person. I opened to see what was it.

‘ Louis I think I’m pregnant. And the baby’s father is you. Call me when you were available? We have to do something.  – Alex’ 

The phone fell on the ground and I looked straight to see Louis worried. My eyes was full of tears. Is that a prank? Is that a new thing from management to separate us like how they ruined Louis and Eleanor’s relationship? 

Louis ran to me and grabbed my shoulders. I started crying.

“Let me go Louis. You cheated. I believed you. I believed that you can make me happy.” I screamed while crying. 

“What do you mean? Babe please tell me. I never cheated on you.” He said worriedly.

“LIAR!” I shouted.

“He looked at his phone on the ground and picked up. I was still crying. Crying my heart out! This can’t be true. God please tell me it’s just an awful nightmare. Tell me that I’ll wake up near Louis in our bed. 

“Alex? That damn slut.” He said.

“Huh? And now you ‘re telling me you don’t know her? So why do you have her phone number in your phone?” I shouted. 

“JENNA CAN YOU LET ME EXPLAIN?” he shouted aswell.

I stayed silent. He grab my hand and looked straight into my teary eyes.

“Do you remember the night you and Harry kissed?” he asked. 

I nodded.

“I was jealous. I Saw you with my best mate. I just started to fall in love with you when Harry took the first step towards you. I was too sad. I went to a club and started drinking like there’s no tomorrow. And next morning I found myself on a bed with a blonde bitch. I swear to god I was drunk and I don’t know how she found my phone. I left her flat so fast. She might added her phone number while I was sleeping. But please believe me that I can’t even trust that girl! I think she’s lying about the baby. She even admitted she slept with many guys!” 

He was saying those words from his heart. His eyes were admitting it.

“Really?” I asked with low voice.

“I swear to god every word I said was true. That bitch meant nothing to me. But you.. You are no my life. You’re my breath, heart, soul and everything. Please believe me.” He kissed my hands. 

Tears streamed down my face. I hugged him. I could feel wetness on my back. It was clearly Louis’ tears.

I looked into his eyes and then kissed him roughly. 

After a while we both pulled away for breath. I put my forehead on his forehead.

“What if it’s really her baby?” I said worriedly. 

“I don’t know.. I’ll go and find something to prove that she lies.” He said.

“If she was saying the truth? What are we gonna do then?” I said.

“Jenna.. Even if it’s my baby, I’m not going to LET you go! You’re part of my life now. I want you to be in my life forever.” He said and kissed my forehead. 

God please, please don’t do this to me and Louis. Otherwise I will have to leave Louis cause I don’t want to make a child without father. I’m not that kind of girl! And I won’t be!

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