Chapter 10

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"I'm going out. You want anything?" said Louis while walking to my room door.

"No. Thanks" I said coldly.

I knew that he's going to see Eleanor. I was sure cause he putted on his best clothes and his expensive perfume. There's no doubt.

I reached to my mobile and checked my mentions on Twitter. WOW! So many hates.

@uknown: Eleanor is better than you. You are the reason why Eleanor and Louis broke up.

@uknown2: You are a beard. Larry all the way

@uknown3: I think you are beautiful. But if you break Louis' heart I will kill you.

@uknown4: Louis is mine! Get out of my way!!!

I decided to turn off my phone. Mentions were going crazy. I heard the door bell rang. Louis did you forget something? Why don't you bring the key with yourself.

I grab the wall and went downstairs. Finally I reached to the door and open it. I saw Harry.

"Oh hey Jenna. Is Louis home?" said Harry with raspy voice.

"Hiya Harry. No he's out. Probably with Eleanor." I smiled.

"Oh.. You don't have any problem with his secret relationship with Eleanor?" he asked.

"Well... I used to care but now I don't care! Why don't you come in?" I said.

"Sure. I would love to." He stepped in my house.

"Do you want any thing? Like tea, coffee or anything else?" I asked.

"No. Just come and sit."

I nodded. I grab the wall again to walk to the furniture. Harry noticed how I'm walking and frowned.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked.

"Mr. Tomlinson put me in bad situation and I got stressed. And when I fell stressed my body can't handle and I'll be like this. But hopefully I'll be okay soon!"

"Let me help you."

He putted his hand on my waist and I put my hand around his neck. So I could walk better. He lead me to the furniture and I sat.

"Soooo, what are you guys doing? When your tour starts?" I asked.

"In 3 months. We have to go to rehearsals in next month. It's a worldwide tour. When will your x factor tour start?"

"In 2 weeks. I'm not ready yet. I still feel nervous when I'm on stage. Haha" I said and started looking at ground.

Harry putted his hand on my leg. "You'll get used to it. I know. I felt the same. Just wait and see how people fangirl over you and your bandmates." he smiled.

Well.. his hand my on leg.. Ughhh I just feel a bit surprised. I just don't feel well when his hand is on my leg.

We were still talking when we noticed Louis in front of us. He looked at Harry then me then Harry's hand!

"Mate I came here to meet you. But I think you were on your secret date with Eleanor." Harry stood up.

Louis was still looking at me with confused eyes.

"Louis?" Harry called Louis.

Finally Louis looked at Harry. "Oh sorry. Why are you here?" said Louis.

"Errm I said to meet you." said Harry.

"Mate I have works to do. Can we meet later?" said Louis.

"Yeah sure."

I stood up to say goodbye to Harry.

"No need to stand up Jenna. It was really nice to see you. Will meet you soon." Harry said to me.

"Come here again. I get bored by myself and if you come I can have a friend here to talk to me." I hugged him.

He kissed my cheek. What the hell? He kissed my cheek with no reason. I just blushed and smiled. He was smiling aswell.

"Well goodbye Harry. See ya!" Louis tapped on Harry's back.

I can see he was annoyed. But why? Louis is so weird. Really!

Harry left the house and I sat there again. Harry left and I'm alone again. I'm sure even I call Lana, Louis wouldn't let her come here.

Louis sat next to me and looked at his phone.

"What you guys were doing?" said Louis while he was still looking at his phone.

"Umm nothing. We just talked about our tour." I said.

"Why he putted his hand on your leg? Don't let him." he said.

"Why? Is there any problem?" I asked curious.

"Noo! I just don't think he can treat you well. Well Harry is my best mate but he can only be good with his own type girls. Not you."

"Why do you even care? And oh.. you think you treat me well?" I laughed.

He looked at me angrily. "GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM. I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR DAMN FACE." he shouted.

I was in shock. He's so rude.



Tears streamed down my face. I stood up and bring the walls. I was tired of this shit. I just can't handle it. I want to die. I locked myself in bathroom. I couldn't handle. I was trying to find a cutter and end this bullshit.

Then finally I found it. I bring the cutter and sat on the floor. I was so scared. I never thought I'm going to do this. But I just couldn't handle. I already wanted to die.

I closed my eyes as the pain got all over my hand and the blood form on the floor. The pain was unreal. Then I heard Louis shouting. After about 3 seconds the door opened and I saw Louis looking at me with worried eyes.

He ran to me and took my hand. I just looked at him with teary eyes. Why the hell is he trying to help me. He put towel on my hand.

"Why did you do that?" he said worriedly

"I was tired." I looked at the ground.

"Tired of what?" he said again.

"Of this awful life. I don't want people treat me like you did. I don't want people break my heart like you did. Why did you helped me? Why didn't you let me die here? Why don't you understand that I'm tired?" I cried.

He just looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry." he whispered.

"I'm not going to hurt you again. You can meet your friends. Go out with your friends. Invite whoever you want here. I'm not going to disturb you again." Louis continued.

Then he looked at me. I could see tears in his eyes. He was really sorry. I just wanted to give him another chance. I felt like he's going to change.

"I will treat you better. But please don't want me to leave Eleanor." he said.

"You can be with Eleanor whenever you want. Just please don't hurt me when you are mad." I smiled.

He took my other hand and helped me to stand up. He lead me to my bed.

"Get some rest. I'll be in my room. Call me if you needed anything." he said as he left the room.

I hope he really treat me better. I can't take it when he treats me like this. The most important and awful thing is... I still love him!

Over Again (Louis Tomlinson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz