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Susie felt as if she was stuck in some strange cycle.

Integral liver immobility?

Then build houses and fields for the people, and let them help you.

Not enough points for urban construction?

Then kryptonite.

The harvest of the people's livers should be kept in the storehouse, otherwise it will be spoiled?

Then let's go to the liver points and skill points to build a warehouse first.

Susie: Grass, what kind of closed loop is this?

This dog game is simply sinister with its intentions.

She watched as she had barely regained her five-figure points balance these days, and felt a sense of crisis that followed her.

Although it seems like a lot, in fact, you can't walk around half a page in the system store, not to mention that if you encounter anything, the last treatment is overstretched... Phew, no crow's mouth.

Gotta figure figure it out. Susie thought.

She rolled it up and held it in her hand, and returned to the tavern.

The animals are carrying freshly baked white bread back to the tavern, where hot fluffy bread fills the table and the tavern is filled with the sweet aroma of wheat. A few little ones gathered around the table, staring at the fruits of their labor. The youngest bunny was on tiptoe, his furry hands clutching the edge of the table, squinting and sniffing.

Seeing Susie walk in, Coco jumped up at once, ran to her with a snap, wagged her tail happily, and her hairy ears trembled: "My lord, look at you—this is the bread we have made!"

In the eyes of the puppy man, "Praise us" is written, "Can we eat?" on the other.

Eh, it really looks like a puppy with a ball in its mouth.

Susie couldn't hold back, reaching out and touching the top of her head, fluffy and warm. Coco's eyes widened, and her tail wagged more and more cheerfully, tiptoeing slightly, and rubbing Susie's palm a little embarrassedly.

"Wow..." the other little animals let out a small exclamation, and leaned over in twos and threes, looking apprehensive and envious, "Coco is so cunning!" I—I want to be touched on the head—"


Susie held out her hand.

The hair of the baby rabbit is more slender, the lop rabbit has a longer hair, the gray rabbit is shorter, and the hair of one is curly. The Lamb Man's fur is soft and fluffy, while the Fawn's is slightly harder—

Susie thought to herself: extravagance, extravagance!

Elo popped out.

The kitten groaned angrily, took a few steps from the window, jumped on the head of one of the rabbits, stretched out its paw and slapped Susie's hand.

Elo: "Meow!

Susie: "..."

Oops, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

She quickly withdrew her hand and picked up Elo, but the kitten was still not pleased, and she hung on Susie's arm, purring low, and slapping her tail on Susie's arm.

Elo also had a bow with a pom-pom bell tied around her tail, which jingled when she flicked it.

"You also took a gift from someone else." Susie nodded at Iro's little head, "It's so stingy."

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