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People who do magic seem to be very rich.

For example, a magician from the Silent Tower has to burn a park and tear down a statue from time to time, and the compensation is also very fast, and he can't wait to buy a monthly package and do whatever he wants.

As for the young students from the academy, it is another style of painting.

While flipping through the menu, they asked the waiter with great interest, "Do you have any recommendations?"

The lop-eared rabbit grabbed the pen and paper, and thought seriously for a while: "Today's set meal is asparagus lamb chops and creamy mushroom soup, and the dessert is orange mousse."

Student: "Okay, then recommend the package."

Lop Rabbit: "Maple muffins and apple pie are also delicious."

Student: "Okay, let's have some muffins and pies, too."

Lop Rabbit: "We have caramel milk tea for hot drinks, soft drinks for cold drinks, and beer for beer!"

Student: "Well, it's okay, I want to."

Lop-eared rabbit: ?

The little rabbit felt as if something was not right, she stopped her pen and looked up, her eyes a little dazed, when a kitten man with a tray walked behind her, stood on tiptoe and put the cutlery on the opposite deck table.

The eyes of many girls and children directly followed the tail wagging around the kitten man, and for a moment they glanced at each other, and reached a consensus in their respective gazes. They happily closed the menu and handed it back to the lop-eared rabbit: "Well, give us a copy of whatever you have on the menu."

lop-eared rabbit: "... Huh?

She looked a little hesitant: "That's too much, I can't finish it."

"It's okay, we all want to try it." The girl sitting next to her looked at the little rabbit with a smile on her face, "Rich", "By the way, there is one more thing... Want to touch your ears and how much does it cost?

lop-eared rabbit: "Huh?!

As soon as Susie entered the tavern, she saw this scene. She stepped forward, grabbed her helpless little waiter, and reminded, "You can't bully the tavern staff."

"She's so cute!" The girl said, "Is that your pet?" I want to buy her, how much does it cost?

Susie looked down at the little bunny man sneaking behind her, shook her head and refused: "It's not a pet, it's not a commodity, she's a free lord here, if you want to buy or hire labor, you can go to the Quiet Eye in Tumbledown Alley, where undead labor is sold and rented."

The lop-eared rabbit stood behind Susie, poked out half of his head when he heard the words, and nodded vigorously in agreement.

Seeing this, the girl sighed, and did not force it: "Forget it, when I go back after the Xi is over, I will go and buy such a shop, and also use such a small animal as a clerk!"

Her classmates Xi it is common, and they discussed the business content, site selection, and planning of the store, and then skillfully calculated the investment amount and rate of return, and finally came to the conclusion: there is a high probability that there will be a loss, but why not do it if you spend money to buy happy things.

Susie:...... Grass is the breath of the rich.

She turned to leave, but was cautiously stopped: "... Sister of the store manager?

Susie turned around and saw Elizabeth sitting on the other side of the long table. She was stunned for a moment, and with the help of the guest file, she remembered that this was her first guest. The last time this little girl came here, she was terrified and always crying. And now she is wearing a neat standard mage robe with a ponytail, looking young and lively.

✓ Operating log of the Tavern of the DeadWhere stories live. Discover now