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Outside the canyon, there is a lot of noise next to the ferry. The wharf has been renovated and expanded several times, and the shore is lined with walkable boardwalks, and the ferries are crammed with travelers and luggage, and the vendors on the shore enthusiastically solicit customers: lanterns, compasses, dry food, everything.

Nowadays, the Foggy Star River is much easier to walk than in the past, the river is wide, the current is gentle, and the occasional wandering undead around are not very aggressive, and the boatman with a little experience can sail the ferry smoothly to the docks of Chuxing Town.

"Isha, come and see this!" The young magic apprentice grabbed a small fluffy pendant from the vendor's basket and greeted his companion in surprise, "It's so cute!"

The peddler sold it eloquently: "This is a unique trinket in the Eternal Night Canyon, which is inlaid with flame runes, whether it is for personal use or as a gift, it is very chic, and it only costs fifteen silver coins each."

"Wow, I'm going to buy it." Without hesitation, the apprentice didn't hesitate to pull out the money and buy a small handful of charms.

She grabbed this string of ornaments and walked around among her classmates, one of them sent one, and then grabbed her friend's arm: "It's so lively here, you didn't tell me!" I knew I was here with you last year!

Elizabeth nodded in confusion as she looked around blankly, looking at the craggy cliffs and dead trees outside the Canyon of the Eternal Night, no different from what she had seen last year, the tributaries of the Crescent River connecting the inside and outside of the canyon. However, everything was very different from what she remembered: last year, the canyon was overgrown with weeds and deserted, and there was not even a ferry.

Only a year has passed.

Elizabeth and her classmates, under the command of the Xi instructor, boarded the ferry, where the experienced boatman propped the boat up to the shore with oars, followed the current, and sailed steadily into the canyon.

The view turned from day to night, and the fog was filled with fog, obscuring the sunlight from the entrance to the canyon. The students could not help but let out a burst of exclamation, and the old boatman laughed twice, and reached out to turn on the lantern hanging on the bow of the boat.

After passing through the initial pass, the water gradually calmed out, and the magic lantern illuminated the corrupt plains with no borders in sight, and it was difficult to distinguish whether the withered shadows in the mist belonged to plants or undead. As for the eastern shore of the Foggy Star River, a soft but bright light pierced through the fog, like the brightest stars on the horizon in this eternal night.

From time to time, there were ferries on the river, and the old boatman greeted the boatman he knew easily, and reminded the young man who was looking down from the edge of the boat: "Be careful, don't stretch out your hand, there will still be some things in this water from time to time, don't drink it, the water is poisonous."

When the young man heard this, he honestly retracted his hand, but his eyes were still eager to try.

The ferry arrived at its destination after about two hours.

The docks are brightly lit, and a dozen ferries of various sizes are docked, and travelers are busy unloading or loading their bags. There is a street sign under the boardwalk, and under the street sign are three benches.

The river beach is covered with lush eagle spear reeds, and a warning sign is erected on the shore that reads "Beware of open fires". The curious apprentice of magic stepped forward, and as soon as he pushed through the reeds, he was nearly burned by the fire starlings that nested inside.

He screamed, stuck out his tongue, and retreated to his classmates' side amid the laughter of others.

Not long after, two mechanical carriages drove across the stone road and stopped under the street sign with a "ding dong". The doors opened, and the passengers in the carriages walked up to the dock with their bags, and the empty places were immediately filled with long-waiting travelers.

Sitting in the carriage, Elizabeth couldn't help but poke out the window, and the glowing town gradually overlapped with the place she remembered, and she suddenly said, "I seem... I was here last year.

Her friend clinged over and hugged her affectionately: "Hey, tell me what's interesting here, we're going to stay here for a long time."

Elizabeth shook her head blankly: "I don't know.

Last year, there were only ruins and a modest tavern.

The carriage soon entered the light-shrouded city, and everything before her was so different from what Elizabeth had remembered, that she was surrounded by her classmates and walked into the tavern like in a dream.

"Ah, that's a lot!" Her friend asked her, "What do you want to order?"

Elizabeth looked at the menu in a daze and thought for a while, "Yes, milk?"


Susie overlooks her town.

She stood at the top of the Moon Tree, which had grown so tall that she was able to get an unobstructed view of her town when she looked down. The buildings were like boxes of different sizes, some square, some still under construction, and the crowds on the streets looked so small that they could fit into their hands.

It's subtle and satisfying, like a screen that you can zoom in or out with the swipe of your finger.

Susie looked at Raphael, "Did you use to stand here before—I mean, before."

Raphael withdrew his gaze from afar, looked at Susie, as if remembering for a moment, before he said, "In the past, it was usually higher—" He gestured a little, "At that time, the moon tree was taller than it is now."

Susie looked up at his gesture, only to see the familiar mist, she thought for a moment, and then asked, "What kind of city was this at that time?"

Hearing this, Raphael was silent for a moment, and he looked in the direction of the Fog Star River, at this height, it was impossible to see the long river full of starlight. "It was a very lively place," he said. From here, all the way to the other side of the river, no matter where you are, you can hear the sound of the organ every evening.

Susie: "... That's nice.

Her knight shook his head lightly and smiled, "The past has passed, and there is nothing particularly to regret. One day, you'll be able to see the city of your dreams.

He paused for a moment and then said, "However, there is only one thing, which is a bit of a pity.

The diurnal changes that belong to the starry ring will probably never be seen again. Rafael said.

The starry sky and night gradually climb from one side of the sky to the other, and the scene of two dusks overlapping over the foggy galaxy is the most enchanting spectacle in the starry ring.

Susie's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but look up at the dark night sky: "That must be spectacular."

"Of course." Raphael smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter, maybe one day, this place will also give birth to its own scenery."

He stretched out his hand to Susie and spread his wings behind his back: "Let's go, it's time to go down."

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