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As previously announced, the pit has been abandoned. The rails were completely rusted, and the occasional overturned minecart could be seen.

After it was deserted, it was used as a nest by several groups of monsters, the miners' tool rooms and rest rooms were devastated, the original lighting runes on the walls and on the zenith were all destroyed, and some latecomers tied torches to the walls, which were also covered with stains and moss.

Susie walked down the tracks, the sound of small footsteps echoing through the tunnel, and the occasional rodent undead scurrying through the corners.

...... I always feel that the next corner will appear a strange man with a giant axe, and start a chase.

Susie: But I'm not far behind, there's a ghost floating around.

Winnie dangled from time to time, occasionally thrust half of her body into the wall, humming a soft melody that seemed to be out of nowhere.

Susie held the lantern and calmly walked through the long hair or skirt of the Banshee of Sighs, and wondered: I wonder who will win when American horror meets Japanese horror?

Of course there was no chase.

The last group to occupy the mine were the underground trolls, who were almost wiped out by Aldro's attack, and the breath left by the bone dragons had not yet dissipated, and a new horde of monsters had not yet arrived. On the way, I met a few old, weak, sick and disabled trolls, all of whom were directly turned into experience points under the sword by Susie.

The mines lead in all directions, but the banshee has the natural ability to perceive and detect the general direction of the target.

After a little detour, Susie finally arrived at her destination. It was supposed to be a hall for temporary ore storage, but now, the center of the hall is occupied by a large lair.

At first glance, it looks like a spider's nest in a famine, dark red, covered with miserable white veins, pulsating like life, and the newborn ash salamanders are spit out of the nest with the pulsation, each of which is more than a meter long. They squirmed off their mucus and crawled around.

It's a pretty bad sight in every way.

Sensing the intruder, the throbbing speed of the nest suddenly accelerated, and several larger salamanders were spit out, like soldier ants guarding the anthill, directly pounced on the outsiders, opening their mouths to spit.

The Banshee of Sighs floats down, only to pass through the ghost's body, and Susie reacts quickly and leaps onto the rock wall like a feline, narrowly avoiding the attack.

Winnie: "... Ah, I forgot.

Susie: "It's okay.

She dodged another spit, sporadic acid splashing onto the back of her hand, deducting her points a bit. As the salamanders gathered more and more under the wall, Susie took a deep breath, hooked her hand to the lampstand, stepped on the protruding wall decoration, and stuffed the lantern back into the warehouse.

She thought back to the number of times she had died on the streets of Florence while operating in Assassin's Creed, and sighed.

At that time, I definitely didn't expect that one day I would need to go into battle in person.

Susie's stealth came from Arrow, which gave her a lot more feline characteristics in her actions, such as now-

She slammed her foot on one leg like a leopard and narrowly grabbed the chandelier on the roof of the hall. The chandelier in disrepair made an overwhelming creak, and with a "dang chang", the chain from which the chandelier hung was broken in two.

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