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☆ 41. Select a game venue

Selecting the game ground

Enoshima Shimakawa looked at the indifferent person in front of him and invited enthusiastically: "It's very late now. Do you want to take a ride with us to the 'game ground'."

Izuru Kamiza did not immediately Replying to Enoshima Shimakawa's invitation, the faint smell of blood floated on the tip of his nose. He glanced inside the car and saw no familiar face, so Izuru Kamiza asked directly: "Where is Kashiwae?"

Enoshima Shimakawa Asahi He pursed his lips behind his back, winked at Kamizo Izuru and said, "If the 'Kashiwada' we are thinking of is the same person, then he is in the trunk now." If most people knew that their partner was seriously injured and stuffed If he got into the trunk, he would have become angry already. But the one standing here now was Izuru Kamiza. After hearing what Enoshima Shimakawa said, he just glanced in the direction of the trunk and stopped talking.

Enoshima Shimakawa still looked indifferent when he saw Kamiza Izuru, so he continued to invite this "game" opponent whom he was optimistic about: "Are you really not going to get in the car and go to the 'game field' with us?" he said. She looked at Izuru Kamiza's slender and straight legs, "It will take a while if you walk like this."

Although Enoshima Shimakawa felt that he was simply stating the facts, but with the words in the trunk Nagito Komaeda, who does not know whether he is alive or dead, has a hint of threat in it.

At Enoshima Shimakawa's second invitation, Izuru Kamza glanced at the co-pilot who had been specially reserved for him, silently opened the door and got in the car.

Izuru Kamiza got into the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt in compliance with the traffic regulations. When he looked up, he saw the pink-haired girl in the rearview mirror, her eyebrows curved and she introduced herself: "Hello, I am Enoshima. Shimakawa."

The long-haired man sitting in the passenger seat nodded to the rearview mirror: "Kamiza Izuru."

"Okay Kamiza-kun." Enoshima Shimakawa nodded with a smile, talking to the mirror without hesitation. Izuru Nakagami's red eyes looked at each other and said, "You should also know Sister Shield, so for the sake of distinction, just call me Shimakawa."

Nagito Komaeda just came here in the afternoon, and here she is again so late. A person who knows Nagito Komaeda wants to know the connection between them and the purpose of coming here.

But since this Kamizo Izuru is an opponent that even Edogawa Ranpo recognizes... When Enoshima Shimakawa thought about the game he could play next, he excitedly pulled Edogawa Ranpo and rubbed against his chest. Come on.

"Hey." Nakahara Chuuya, who was in charge of driving, tried his best to suppress the impatience in his heart and asked, "Where are we going now?"

At that time, Nakahara Chuuya was already lying on the bed and planning to sleep, but he received a call from Dazai Osamu. , didn’t say anything specific, just asked him to pick up the person who was just sent to the medical department in the afternoon, and then drive to the port Mafia building to pick him up. When he finally drove people to meet Dazai Osamu, he realized that Enoshima Shimakawa and Edogawa Ranpo were also there. Then he saw Osamu Dazai opening the car door without hesitation, dragging Nagito Komaeda who was unconscious in the back seat out of the car, and stuffing him into the trunk.

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