A~ Amortentia

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Evan sat alone in the cold, damp potions classroom. Barty was running late per usual and Evan was worried he would get expelled if he kept skipping classes.
Normally, he wouldn't be alone because he would have Regulus for company. However, he had been bunked up to a higher class, because he was a Slughorn favourite.

Evan wasn't really paying attention to Professor Slughorn's explanation as the man tended to ramble on a bit. Instead, he was doodling in his textbook. He only began to pay attention when a particular subject came up. Slughorn pointed at his cauldron.

"This students, is called–" "Amortentia. The strongest love potion in the world, sir. It has a different scent for every person, depending on what attracts them."

Evan spoke up. He had heard about the potion a lot as other students used to spread rumours that it was the only reason his parents were together. It was a cruel joke, but Evan had usually played along.

"Very good, Mr Rosier. Five points to Slytherin."

Evan smiled a little at this. He loved getting house points as it meant he wouldn't be hexed by the prefects for not contributing. He remembered how once a first year was turned into a frog because he hadn't gained any house points that year. His smile shrunk when a familiar face bounded through the door.

"Ah, Mr Crouch. You're late. Five points from Slytherin."

"Sorry, sir. Peeves pranked me. He stole my books and threw ink on me. I had to change my uniform." Barty explained as he took his seat beside Evan. He was so full of shit, but he was an excellent actor.

"Ah, I see. Well then, Five points back to Slytherin. It was clearly a misunderstanding. However, next time please arrive to class first."

"Yes Sir." Barty replied, catching eyes with Evan who he gave a smirk. Evan rolled his eyes.

"As you are here now, Mr Crouch, how would you feel about helping me demonstrate, Hmm?" Slughorn asked, his voice was booming through the echoing classroom.

Barty rose and sauntered to the front of the room. Slughorn offered him a seat and began.

"Now, Mr Crouch, I want you to tell us what you smell."

Barty sniffed the air and his cheeks turned a slight bit pink. Still, he followed the orders he was given.

"I smell... old books, and cigarettes and.... Roses– Wait, what potion is this exactly?" Barty asked, his voice was high pitched and squeaky.

"Of course, you were not here when Mr Rosier here gave us an explanation." Slughorn chuckled, ushering his arm towards Evan. "Mr Rosier, would you mind repeating what you said earlier?"

"Sure, sir..." Evan replied slowly, trying to piece together Barty's answer in his mind. Who could Barty have been talking about?

"It's Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world. It has different scents for every person, depending on what attracts them. For example, yours is old books, cigarettes and–" Suddenly, it clicked. Evans face went bright red and he stared over at Barty who was now the exact shade of red as the Gryffindor crest. Evan offered him a smile, small but sweet, before adding softly, "And Roses."

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