E~ Exams

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On such a wonderful day, you would expect to see everyone outside. However, today, not a single person went out for a walk to Hogsmeade or a visit to the courtyard. Everybody was inside, studying hard for exams.

Barty and Evan were in the library, working tiresly for their O.W.Ls. Both boys aimed to be perfect achievers and become successful aurors when they left school. Well, Evan did, anyway. Barty just sort of followed along. He had nothing better to do, and he really didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps. He didn't fancy working in the ministry all day, neglecting his family and being an all-around asshole. At some  point in the future, he planned to marry Evan, and the thought of treating him as his father treats his mother chilled him to the bone. He vowed to be nothing like him.

Barty glanced over at Evan, who was surrounded by so many books he could hardly see him. Evan had been stressing about the exams ever since they became a topic of conversation. He hadn't put down his study once for three weeks. The only times he stopped working were for the five hours of sleep he would get each night. He would usually skip breakfast and head to class early, where he would quiz his teachers about all the questions he had. They, too, grew concerned about him. Once, Professor McGonagall even sent him to the infirmary during one of her classes due to how pale and tired he looked.

Barty was quick to notice this change in behaviour, too. The sarcastic sunshine he had fallen in love with had disappeared and been replaced by a stressed drone.

The brunette placed his hand on the top of Evan's book and slid it down onto the table. Evan looked up at him drowsily, the bags under his eyes darker than the last time Barty had seen his face.

"Love, don't you think this has gotten out of hand?" Barty asked softly, moving his hand off the book to rub Evan's arm.

"Barty, I'm fine. I'm just–" His words were interrupted as he yawned.

"Rose... Evan, listen to me. You're overworking yourself. I'm worried about you. Everyone is. You're not sleeping enough, and you haven't been eating. I just– I care about you."

Evan looked up at his boyfriend and saw the upset and worry in his eyes. Barty was never one to show any negative emotions around others, so this came as a shock to Evan. He took hold of Barty's hand.

"Alright, Darling. I'll take a break, if you really want me to." He said with a reassuring smile. "I suppose I am quite tired."

Barty grinned widely and helped Evan to his feet. They both then rushed out of the library, getting a stern "shush" from Madam Pince as they left. As soon as they got down to the dungeons, Evan had slowed down. He was incredibly tired and didn't have as much energy as his boyfriend, not that he ever did anyway. Barty spent most of his time bouncing off the walls. Because of how tired he was, Barty picked Evan up bridal style and carried him the rest of the way.

Once they entered their room, Barty realised that Evan had fallen asleep in his arms. The corner of his lips curled into a gentle smile, a light blush tinting his cheeks. He carefully dropped Evan onto his bed and covered him with the blanket. He then climbed beside him. Before he lay down, he leaned over and gave Evan a small peck on the cheek.

"Love you." He whispered into Evan's ear. He was given a sleepy smile in return.

Word count: 697
[Hi, it's me– I'd just like to point out that I don't see Barty Crouch Senior as physically abusive. In the line "...treating him as his father treats his mother..." That is referring to neglect and enforced pressure. Nothing physically abusive. I think he does love his wife very much, but he puts a lot of pressure on her to look after Barty and teach him discipline. I just thought I'd clarify that! Tysm!]

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