Chapter 18

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My second round, I was faced with the vine girl, Ibara Shiozaki, and took my victory quite easily.

I had been teasing Kaminari about it since he had just lost

"H-Hey, (Y/N)?" I turned and saw Midoriya standing behind me. "I don't mean to sound rude can you act so lightly when you're about to go up against Todoroki in three rounds?"

My stomach dropped.

"I'm...wh...huh...?" I couldn't even form words, I was in disbelief. My head started spinning and I felt dizzy.

'How the hell am I supposed to defeat Todoroki?!'

I glanced over to where Todoroki sat and he seemed calm, yet he had another red mark on the left side of his face. From me.

"I thought so...but you did pretty well earlier!" Midoriya replied to my nervous staring at Todoroki.

"Wait- how did you-"

"Uh...I overheard Kacchan threatening someone for hurting you, (Y/N), so when I turned the corner...I saw Todoroki with a red mark on his cheek. I was surprised, to say the least." The freckled boy admitted nervously.

'Bakugo was defending me?'


I had waited in waiting room one for the next two matches, trying to think of ways I could beat Todoroki.

I knew that my quirk can easily overpower him but my throat was beginning to feel sore and damaged. I can't rely on it too much this time. All I have left is the water side of my quirk, which is really useless compared to Todoroki's fire and ice.

"Hey, you." A deep voice called out from behind me. It startled me, but not as much as it did when I turned around to find Endeavor standing there. "I heard your friend hit my son from a couple of chatting students. I'll have you know, that if you or that foolish blonde ever lay a hand on-"

"Leave me alone." I snapped back without even realizing, my soft eyes narrowing into a glare. "I didn't tell Bakugo to slap your precious son, and he isn't my friend. Now if you don't mind, I have to go."

I turned and calmly walked down the hall, leaving Endeavor quiet, though I heard his frustrated brreaths.

Had anyone ever stood up to him before?

I tried to remain calm and refrain from over thinking as I walked into the arena, Todoroki appearing from the other side.

"These kids have parents in the top 5 spots- what an outstanding match!" Present Mic announced us in. I looked to Todoroki's eyes with as much courage ad I could muster. "Both in the Pro Hero course!"

"On the left, we have (L/N) (Y/N)! On the right, we have Todoroki Shoto! START!"

Without a second to waste Todoroki used his right side to freeze the ground, barely giving me enough time to react. I jumped to the side, the ice grazing my left leg.

'If I can get close enough to just scream in his face, then I can win this!'

He sent this ice one after another, each time I got closer to him, until I was right up in his face.

He froze up against one of his ice walls, I had him pinned to it. He squirmed underneath ms with a stone cold glare on his face.

I returned the glare and said in a mocking tone, "What? Does this make you uncomfortable?"

I felt cocky being able to return the rude venture he showed me earlier. I was pressed up against him, knowing I had just won.

He grabbed my waist and threw me to the ground, and I felt very cold.

He stood over me again, as if I were his prey. I felt that same fear inside of me that I felt earlier today. I didn't let it show.

The cold on my waist eventually encased my whole body, and I noticed I was stuck in a thick layer of ice. It was hollow on the inside and I could move about three feet in each direction.

"(L/N) is immob-"

'Perfect.' I thought with a smirk.

The cold air soothed my throat just a bit, and I was able to let out a blood cuddling scream, effectively shattering the ice.

Just as I had forgotten that Todoroki could do close range, he had forgotten that I could scream.

The scream carried out to him and it made him cover his own ears. I stopped before my scream could reach and damage the crowd, but it wasn't soon enough seeing as three birds dropped dead in the arena.

I charged forward with a sore throat and kicked Todoroki in the stomach, sending him flying across the arena, but he didn't fall out. He used his ice to prevent him from doing so.

This agitated me deeply and I ran forward to finish the job, and once I was on the way to pick him up, he grabbed my by my hair. I froze in place and let out a yelp, he took this chance to shove me out of the arena.

"(L/N) is out of bounds!"


I looked around in disbelief.


"YOU PLAY DIRTY!" I shouted at Todoroki as he walked away, ignoring me completely.


"At least you got third place!" Kirishima rubbed my back in attempt to cheer me up after my embarrassing loss.

I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest. "The most I did was kill a few birds!" I whined. I'm completely dissatisfied with my loss, but not as much as Bakugo was.

"Whatever, just get your whining ass up and knto the stands!" Denki cheered me on and both he and Kirishima shoved me to the arena, where I took a stand on the third place podium.

Next came Todoroki, and I didn't even bother to look at him as he walked past me and towards the slightly taller second place podium, taking his stand.

Finally, came...two men dragging a whining Bakugo in chains?

They tied him to the pole where he started screaming and shouting in anger, and the whole scene looked very familiar.

'The sludge monster incident...-' I thought to myself, growing agitated as the crowd laughed at Bakugo and mumbled a bunch of nonsense about how much of a monster he is.

How he couldn't be a hero.

I felt like I could relate to him in a sense, both of us having been in life threatening situations that now easily trigger our fight or flight senses. This might have been more so that he was mad at Todoroki for the 'unfair' fight, but I still think he should be shown the same treatment as the rest of us.

I was interviewed since I had won third place.

"What did you think of Bakugo's actions?" The man interviewing me held the microphone out for me to speak to.

That snapped a nerve within me. This is my interview and he's asking about Bakugo?

"I think he was justified." I stated, causing the mans eyes to widen. "You guys wanted him to fight. So he did. He cant help how stupid strong his quirk is. The moment he does what was asked, everyone gets mad." I made sure annoyance was clearly laced in my tone, and I looked dead into the reporter's eyes.

"Young (L/N)-" All Might began and I shot him a sharp glare, making him go quiet.

"Is it such a crime to have wanted a fair fight?" I snapped, defending Bakugo's anger. I wasn't given much of an entirely fair fight by Todoroki, either... "If someone like Endeavor can be a hero and act the way he does, so can a student. At least he has time to change." I finally said. I just want him to know he can do still things himself while receiving help from others.

The crowd remained silent for the rest of the medal ceremony.

'I suppose I could relate to him, I wanted to beat Todoroki just as bad. Both of our fights didn't turn out the way we planned.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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