Chapter 7

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((that edit was made by me btw djdnsjs I needed a new discord pfp))

"(Y/N)! You didn't tell me you could sing!" I heard Denki yell out to me after the match. He ran up to me and patted my back, sort of cheering me on in a way.

"You never asked." I replied with a smirk.

When we entered the camera room, practically everyone came up to me and was wondering how it worked, mainly because I couldn't use my quirk in the quirk apprehension test.

" do you sing in public?"

"...I can't. Not even at home, my voice is powerful. It could really hurt people."

"Look, whatever your name is. Your quirk is a little cool, I'll give you that. But don't get any ideas about beating me. I'm going to be the number one hero, dumbass. Don't try to get in my way you damn extra."

I turned to the deeper voice, and was met with firey red eyes. I couldn't help but laugh, which seemingly angered him.

"Me? You''re worrying about me beating you? The dude who almost killed Midoriya?"

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

Part of being a siren? Undeniably beauty to all, even if they aren't attracted to women. I'm an undeniably beautiful woman.

I glanced down to my chest, where his hand was so close to, smiling annoyingly at him. He tilted his head a bit but looked down, also noticing how close his hands were to my chest. He roughly set me down, tucking his hands with his pockets.

Bakugo glanced to the side, clearly flustered." F-fuck off!" He managed to say before walking away.
"(Y/N). You okay? I know Bakugo(u) can be pretty scary--"

I immediately recognized that voice and nodded, turning back to Denki.

"I'm fine, he doesn't really bother me. I...kinda like it. The passion in his eyes, I mean. He clearly has a goal, and I like how he knows how and what to do to get there!"

Denki frowned at me.

"Hey, (Y/N), remember what I said? You're going to be my sidekick, not his! Don't get any ideas with that dude."

"Denki, I'm not going to be anybody's sidekick. You, on the other hand? You can be mine." I scoffed playfully, crossing my arms over my chest. "We should go visit Midoriya."

"Fine by me."


"Is Midoriya here?" I asked Recovery girl as Denki and I stepped foot into her office.

"Mhm. He's right behind the curtain."

I walked behind the curtain and saw Midoriya there, a bit surprised to see me. I cant blame him, we haven't talked much yet here I am...checking in on him.

"(Y—Y/N)!" He said with surprise in his tone, sitting up in the bed. "Good, you're here! I've been wanting to ask you some questions!"

There was suddenly a notebook and pencil in his hand, he had it opened to a new page.

"First off, what you'll you call your quirk?" He was the exact opposite from the shy boy I saw earlier. I looked back at Denki, raising a brow. He was just as confused as I was.

"My quirk? It's called Siren."

"Oh, okay!" He nodded down, writing it in his book. "I assumed it was more to do with water, I've seen you pull it out of thin air!"

"Oh! Yeah, I wouldn't say it's pulled out of thin air— I take the water from the air or water sources around me and can concentrate it enough to use it!"

"That's so cool! What about the siren aspect?" He was eagerly writing it all down. It was so cute to watch him get all excited at my answeres.

"Well, with my voice, I can draw people toward me. Their mind will blank, and they'll start to slowly walk toward me after a while, but I can't really control them...yet." I made sure to say yet cause I'm going to work hard and strong to make sure I'll be as cool as my dad.

"My dad is really good at controlling who is quirk reaches, and sometimes he can even instruct them a bit...I'm not good at controlling who gets sucked into my song yet though, so I usually have to give people earplugs made out of beeswax. I don't know why though, I guess it's just an old sirens tale that seems to work."

"That's awesome! Is that all?"

I blushed a rosy pink. No one really has asked me much about my quirk, so I was caught a bit off guard by all these questions.

"No, actually! I also have my mom's quirk, she's like a mermaid. Sometimes I think she's an actual mermaid....I get the water part of my quirk from her, except she can actually talk to marine life and is a super strong swimmer! She gets sick after she's out of the water for a long time though." I smiled just thinking about my beautiful mom. "She had mermaid scales cause her legs turn into a tail when she's drenched in water. They're pretty valuable."

After the long quirk chat with Midoriya, Denki and I were walking back to our neighborhood.

Mid conversation, Denki tripped over his own shoe laces and I began to laugh—


Denki Kaminari x Reader (Serendipity) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now