Chapter 16

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I was absolutely flabbergasted by Bakugo's response to Ms. Midnight. Everyone in my class was. Saying that he'll crush everyone and come in first /really/ didn't set a good second impression on the rest of the school that already hates 1-A!

We aren't stuck up, I swear!

"I'm totally gonna kick your ass, (Y/N)! Just watch!" Kaminari teased me. I rolled my eyes and Kirishima wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"I dunno about that, Kaminari. This chick can kick some serious ASS! She's not that bad on the eyes, either." Kirishima laughed and I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Bakugo looking my way.

When he saw I had seen him he glared at me and puffed his chest in attempt to have me turn the other way. Instead, I smiled before glancing back to Kirishima and Kaminari once Midnight had announced that the game was about to start.

We all charged through the hall at once and got stuck. I watched in awe as some of my classmates were able to escape, and I felt left behind.

I began to sing one of the most alluring, beautiful siren songs I knew. My voice echoed beautifully in the hallway, and everyone finally stopped pushing and shoving.

This was my perfect chance to make an escape and I did so, pushing through the crowd and feeling relieved once I was finally out.

I looked up to the floating camera and winked, hoping Present Mic would take that perfect chance to introduce me in his eccentric manner. I tapped one of their heads and got a head start running while the rest of the students resumed being stuck in the hall.

Todoroki had just frozen the ground and I took this opportunity to use my water from the air to help me slide across on the ice. As soon as Todoroki jumped into the air I did the same, slinging tightly onto his back.

I pressed my chest up against his back and wrapped my legs around his waist.


He seemed a bit freaked out but kept on going forward, once we had passed the monsters I stood on his shoulders and jumped off and ahead, causing him to fly straight to the ground, I took the lead.

I used the water to help me slide around faster on the ground and I got to a pit where it would be impossible for me to cross so I had to do so slowly, but Bakugo and Todoroki flew Striaght ahead. Todoroki looked down to me with a cocky grin and I glared back up at him.

Eventually I made my way across as fast as I could, we finally made out way to the minefield, where Todoroki and Bakugo flew across it with ease.

I brought out my water again and got a head start, the water under my feet helping me to gain speed. Just as I was about to catch up to the boys, a green haired boy flew past the three of us.

I cheered for the boy but knew I couldn't let him beat me.

Just was the four of us were about to reach the finish line, I added more water to give me a speed boost, and it made me crash into Todoroki right as Midoriya passed the finish line, causing us to fly through right after. Todoroki was laying face first on the dirt with me against his back. He groaned and I got off, helping him up and returning the cocky grin he showed me earlier.

'wait...did I just get third place-'

"I can't believe I got third place!" I squealed excitedly to Todoroki as he gave me an annoyed look.

He cold gaze turned behind me, and into an icy glare. Just as I was about to turn my head off to the side, a hand firmly gripped onto my shoulder, spinning me around.

I was met with crimson red eyes and spiky blonde hair belonging to that of the notorious Bakugo Katsuki.

He looked angry, even a bit betrayed. I searched his eyes for any reason that he purposefully would gain my attention this way, but I couldn't find a thing.

He looked back into my eyes, his tense face relaxing a bit. My beauty and aura is often regarded as...calming.

"You won't be able to beat me next time, you fish-woman." He finally spat out with a glare before shoving me aside and walking over to Kirishima.

I stood there, bewildered and not moving a muscle.

'What the hell...did he just make me his rival? that can't be right. He wasn't as agressive towards me as he was with Midoriya and Todoroki...'

Kaminari waved an arm infront of me, effectively snapping me out of my thoughts.

"C'mon, dude, be on my team for the cavalry battle! Todoroki, Yaomomo, Iida and I sent me to come get you! But honestly, I still would have asked you to be on our team if they didn't ask."


Cavalry battle.

I teamed up with Denki, wherever he went I felt like I had to follow.

I dunno. It's weird.

"Okay, (Y/N)," Todoroki began, "could you do some singing to perhaps get Midoriya's attention?"

"I'll make the bees wax ear plugs! We each need some, don't underestimate it. (Y/N)'s quirk means business." Denki nodded at Momo.

Todoroki froze our opponents and Denki shocked others. I didn't know that pea sized brain could handle that!

I was impressed and in awe at his power and how he held himself surprisingly well. His quirk is so powerful, it's such a shame that it's so restrictive on him.

I think he could be just as powerful as Todoroki and Bakugo- maybe even more!

"Team Todoroki has won the Cavalry battle!" Ms. Midnight announced.

My throat was sore from the amount of humming I had to do to keep people away, and I was holding onto Todoroki's back, despite Kaminari's clear jealous objections.

I was the one holding onto all the headbands....Until Tokoyami had snatched one from us, but that was okay seeing as we still wound up in first place.

We were allowed another break after Ms. Midnight announced that we would be fighting one another very soon. Well, a one-on-one fight.

I headed down to my waiting room, nervous about who I'd have to face. I was told I would have to be fighting against two others, Iida and Mei. They also said that only one of us could win, and in order for one of us to win we had to defeat both opponents.

I was nervous and lost in thought, but as my luck goes...I bumped into Todoroki, my head gently hitting his.

"Apologize." A familiar deep voice joined the conversation, and when I looked toward it, I was met with Endeavor. Todoroki didn't seem upset by me bumping heads with him, but he seemed agitated now.

"You're that hero's child, aren't you? Siren?" Endeavor asked in a mocking tone, crossing his arms as he leaned down to intimidate me, and it worked. I felt small. "You've certainly figured out how to make his quirk more useful."

He scoffed in annoyance, looking me over. "You ought to know you place around my son--"

Endeavor has always had some sort of disdain for my father ever since he called him out for Endeavor's attitude toward his supporters on live television. I'm disappointed, but not surprised that its being projected onto me...

"What the hell are you doing?" Bakugo exclaimed as he rounded the corner, tiny explosions going off in the palm of his hand as he stomped toward us. Endeavor scoffed, walking away, knowing better than to feed into the blonde's antics.

"Why the hell didn't you interject, you icy-hot bastard?" Bakugo grunted, getting up in Todoroki's face.

I shook my head, walking off in annoyance. Todoroki didn't defend me, why should I spare him from Bakugo?


Denki Kaminari x Reader (Serendipity) UNDER EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora