Chapter 15

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I squinted at my phone, reading the notification over and over again, becuase-- well... Bakugo isn't one to initiate conversation. Ever. Unless it's about something negative...Oh, I thought we had a bonding moment a day ago. 

Bakugo Katsuki:


Really? That's all?

Oh hi Mark
Seen: 2 minutes ago

Hey what the fuck.


I didn't know that one 6 letter word could fill me with such anxiety. It made my brain do like 12 back flips.

WTF even is your quirk? It's been bothering me

Idk I was just born with it

You know what I meant, dumbass.

Just google (D/N) (L/N) and u'll find out. Idk kinda lazy rn

Seen: 1 second ago

I waited juuuust incase he decided to respond, which he didn't. Of course he didn't.

I'm gonna assume he saw it. 

With a sigh, I put my phone down to charge, fluffing up my pillow and getting cozy under my blanket. I lay in bed, staring blankly at my ceiling, still feeling a bit disappointed that he didn't want to talk to me. He's a scary guy, so getting his approval would do wonders for my reputation...No one would fuck with me if they knew the Bakugo Katsuki was my ally.


I yawned as I got out of bed, already getting myself ready for Monday. Usually I hate Mondays or anything that signifies me having to go back to school but I'm...excited for once. I don't know wh--

I was cut off from my thoughts for the millionth time in my life when I got a text from Midoriya. He asked if I was ready for the sports festival.



I had to do a double take at the contents on my phone, a feeling of dread replacing the excitement I felt earlier as I realized what was to come. I was gonna be showcased on TV like some sort of ad, and if I do poorly no one is gonna want me and if no one wants me--

Shaking my head, as well as those nervous thoughts ouot of it, I looked down to my phone and noticed I had left Midoriya on seen, so I decided to send him a quick message to show him exactly how I feel! He doesn't deserve to be left on seen.


Seen: 2 seconds ago

No reply....I think he got the message though.

I tucked my phone away in my backpack and rushed to get ready, running on pure adrenaline at this point.

Kaminari and I met up outside of my house like we normally did and took the train together.

I held the door to class 1A open, "Ladies first," I announced to Denki who in turn curtsied with a smile.

"Why thank you, fine gentleman." He responded and tried to step inside.

...he was them promptly shoved out of the way by a fuming Bakugo. 'What the hell happened to him?'

"Hey, Bakugo! What the heck man?" Denki raised his voice and rubbed his arm where Bakugo had bumped him.

Bakugo turned to him with a glare, then to me. His glare faded but shook his head disapprovingly at Denki. Denki and I looked to one another exchanged shrugs and just walked in. Instantly, Midoriya ran up to me.

"Oh God (Y/N)! PLEASE tell me you did not just forget about the sports festival--" He seemed so disappointed with my nervous smile.

"Welllll..." I drew the word out, looking to the side.

"(Y/NNNNNN)!" Midoriya stressed. He genuinely looked concerned with me.

Honestly, I would be too. The festival was all the class talked about for the days leading up to it, even I talked about it. To suddenly forget something like that? 

....embarrassing, really.

"I mean...I'm kinda excited..." I half-lied. Midoriya perked up at this.

"Same, I've seen it on TV, it looks so awesome! To think I'm gonna be a part of it-- wow..." The freckled boy geeked out, a cheesy smile spreading across his features.


Denki Kaminari x Reader (Serendipity) UNDER EDITINGWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt