Chapter 5

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"So, (Y/N), you got any particular place in mind? Favorite type of food?" He asked and we began to walk, he slowed down his pace so we could be walking beside eachother, making conversation easier.

I shrugged. "Honestly, I'll probably eat just about anything you give me. Just not (H/F). Never (H/F)."

((H/F means hated food))

"Damn, really? It's not that bad....okay. Yeah, it's pretty fucking bad-" He chuckled at his own words.

'I'd make fun of him for it, but I do the same thing.'

"Glad you're the only sane person on earth that agrees with me, (Y/N)! Everyone looooves (H/F) for no absolute reason!"

"I knoooow! Like, have they seen the way it looks? How it tastes?"


The two of us talked about the many things we have in common, like food, how we absolutely suck at pop quizzes, and hamburgers. We were about to pass up a Wendy's but he probably caught me staring and walked straight in.

"Hope you don't mind, Wendy's is too good to resist--" hes fucking perfect. "--know what you want?"

After we ordered the food, he sent me to go find a table. Obviously I took a booth, ain't no way I'm sitting at a small table. I was honestly very shocked to see that the tables weren't littered with wrappers or food crumbs. Don't get me wrong, my family and I were the type to always clean up after ourselves no matter where or what we ate.

When I looked up, I saw him walking over to me with our food.

'Oh my God-- he paid for me, didn't he?'

"Uh, Denki...? Did you pay for me?"

"Yep! I didn't mind though, I was going to regardless." He said calmly while setting my food and drink down infront of me before doing the same with his food.

"Oh..You didn't have to, I can pay you ba-"

I was cut short when he pressed a fry to my lips and said that it was okay. Then he ate the fry.

I bit into my food, smiling instantly.

"I haven't had Wendy's in forever! My mom usually tells me fast food is gonna kill me, so we don't get it much! It's even better than the one in the States!"

Denki let out a cute laugh. "My mom is the same way! You went to America?"

I nodded.

"THATS SO AWESOME! I'VE ALWAYS--" He glanced around the fast food place and all eyes were on him. "Sorry....but I've always wanted to go there! Is it as amazing as it seems?!"

"I mean yeah, it's cool...I prefer that one over this one— and it's NOT because it has more salt. It just has this hidden kick in it."

"Yeah, and are we gonna pretend that kick is not the salt?"

I playfully rolled my eyes with a smile, and we finished our food at the same time. Which was pretty quick-- it had only been 10 minutes. And we talked that whole time- we get along...nicely. 'Well, for today. Who knows about tomorrow!'

We ended up walking around, looking through shop windows and trying on ugly clothes. Its like we've known eachother for years, but it's only been about a day in total.

I checked the time and it was 2 minutes past six.

"Oh my God she is going to KILL ME. Denki you have to come to my funeral! You're my only friend, please!"

"Woahwoahwoah. (Y/N). Who is gonna kill you?" He put his arm around my shoulder.  "No one is gonna get near you with your favorite pro hero around!"

"I'm sorry-- what? You, a pro hero? We're barely starting our first year in UA!" I just burst out laughing while he just stood there all offended.

"Whaaat? Look, (Y/N), I'll have you know that I'm gonna become a great pro hero one day. And guess what? You're gonna be my sidekick."

"Yeah right, pretty boy."

Denki Kaminari x Reader (Serendipity) UNDER EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora