Chapter 12

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Bakugo led me to the living area, tossing his backpack on the side of the couch. He then threw himself onto the couch and stretched, getting comfortable.

I watched as he leaned over the couch, pulling out a pen and piece of scratch paper from his backpack and gently (neatly too) setting it on the table.

I stood there awkwardly, unsure if we wants me to sit next to him or on the floor.

Probably the floor.

When he finally got all set up, he looked up at me and raised a brow.

"Why the hell aren't you sitting?"

"Ri--right..." I mumbled, pulling out a pen and my math homework, sitting on the same couch as him. I looked forward, a bit too scared to look him in the eye and unsure if I should speak.

"What's your name?" He questioned in a surprisingly gentle tone.

I looked up at him in shock. "You--you were told to tutor me and you don't even know my name?"

He made a small 'tch' sound, turning away and looking out the window.

It went quiet again. I felt a little bad, he wasn't even bring aggressive with me. It looks like a genuine attempt at conversation.

"(Y/N). It's (Y/N)." I decided to finally answer.


Rolling my eyes, I scooted further away from him. He looked offended by my actions and huffed, slowly getting more agitated.

"I'm not gonna bite you."

I smiled, "You never know."

"Hey--" He retorted. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" His voice boomed. It was different from the other times we spoke. It wasn't just loud and pointless yelling, or screaming his lungs off. He seemed...more relaxed. Dare I say he sounded playful?

"Oh, nothing..." I looked back to my homework. "Care to help me out?"

He rolled his eyes and nodded, looking over at my paper and then back at me with this stupid look on his face.

"You're kidding, right? That's like the easiest shit."

"Well, if it was so easy, I wouldn't be here." I responded and he went quiet.

"You've got a point, fish-lady." He said with a smirk, looking at me from the side of his eye.

"At least I'm a pretty fish-lady." I flipped my hair and smirked back at him.

He scoffed and it turned into laughter. "Pfft- yeah, right! You smell like a fish too."


We finished my homework before his parents came back and Bakugo absolutely refused to let me walk home alone.

Once on the train, he gestured for me to stand against the wall. I gave him a questioning look, and he grunted in annoyance.

"Just do it." Bakugo mumbled, looking down at me with furrowed brows. 

It took me a minute...but I finally realized what he was doing, and scoffed a bit. He was protecting me from perverts on the train.

Honestly, the whole situation was kind of sweet...He would raise his voice at me every now and then but overall, we got along much better than I had expected. He watched me go up to the steps of my home with a blank expression.

After I opened the door, I turned back to see him, and he didn't even wave bye. He just walked off as soon as I got inside my home.

'I hope he gets back home okay...' I thought with a bit of a frown, having wished he'd have said goodbye to me.

"Hey ma, hey dad." I smiled and waved as they glanced over their shoulders to smile at me. They were making dinner and I figure I have enough time to nap.

I walked up to my room, hanging my backpack on the door and putting my phone to charge. I checked my messages, yknow...incase Denki said anything about taking me out to get icecream. Like he said he would.


I sighed and got under the covers. Bakugo won't leave my mind.

He's a weird case, he can be such a nice guy when he tries-- in his own weird way.. Well, there were times where he would yell if I was being stupid with my work, yet he seemed almost relaxed. I guess it's because he doesn't see any competition in me. I have no brain cells and he could probably sense it.

Is he just misunder-- nope. No definitely not, he sure as hell has an attitude. My parents called me down for dinner so I had to get out of my amazing, comfortable spot on my bed.

After dinner, I played Mario kart with my parents for an hour and did my English homework for another hour. It was gonna hit 10 at night, so I just decided to head back to bed and call it a night.

I got all comfy again, warm under my sheets and blessed with a cold pillow.

All of a sudden my phone rang and I fell off of my bed to go get it.

I answered without even thinking.

"Hello?" I answered.


"You." A deep voice answered. "Seven days..."

I almost got scared for a second. I heard muffled laughter through the phone. I recognize that laugh...

"Denki?" I asked with a slight laugh. The call didn't scare me at all, his fake deep voice sounds like crap...but it was amusing.

"Wh--no! Okay. Maybe~ Tomorrow good?"

"Tomorrow What- oh, for the ice cream? Yes, that's good!" I beamed, covering my smile with my hand as I spoke into the phone, hoping I didn't come off as too excited.

"Good because this would be embarrassing. My calling you at uh...10 p.m. Just to get rejected isn't my cup of tea. Okay, I'll get you at 12 tomorrow-- shit my mom is coming up the stairs bye--"

After he hung up I stared at the phone with a small smile.

I laid back in bed. Now I'm too anxious to sleep, I just want it to be tomorrow already!


Denki Kaminari x Reader (Serendipity) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now