Chapter 1

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It's finally my 1st day at UA.  Butterflies filled my stomach as I ran down the stairs of my house, my short/long (h/c) flowing behind me. I reached down to tie my shoes right, going so far as to tuck the laces in my shoes.

I feel like I'm gonna throw up! Cool!

"(Y/N)," my mother called from the living room,  "don't forget your lunch!"

I nodded to acknowledge her and ran back up the stairs to my house, flashing her a quick thumbs up.

I grabbed my lunch, and ran back down the steps for the second time, pausing to catch my breath. When I felt better I started to run again, glancing down at my phone which signaled I only had 10 minutes left to get to UA.

I tripped, scraping my knees and letting go of my lunch bag. Looking down, I noticed my shoes were suddenly untied.

'Huh...? I guess I didn't tie them...'

My knees didn't hurt at first, but after a few seconds he pain finally kicked in. I laid on my back for a few seconds to try and calm myself down, taking in deep breaths.

But then I remembered I have school. I sat myself back up and finished tying my shoes, about to stand on my own....

Then a blonde boy approached me, holding a hand out. My (e/c) eyes looking into his bright yellow ones. It felt as if time froze around us, and no one else was on this planet but the two of us.

The prolonged eye contact actually caused me to laugh a bit— why are his eyebrows so tiny?

"Rude, I'm only trying to help." A smile graced his face and knocked me out of my thoughts.

My cheeks flushed all shades of red, and I felt warm on the inside as I took his hand. It was soft, but slightly calloused. He pulled me up but struggled a bit. He's pretty skinny so I can't blame him....

The blonde bent over and grabbed my lunchbox, handing it back to me. I noticed he had some sort of black lightning strike in his bangs. It was cool! 'I wonder if he dyed it or not. I mean, he could've some sort of spray paint can and a stencil. It's a perfect shape. Too perfect if you ask me.'

"Hey, you dye that part of your hair?" I finally asked, looking at the black lightning strike.

He seemed to know instantly what I was talking about. "No, actually. Just born with it, like my dashing good looks." He bit his lower lip at me and he looked so dumb— but it was still so cute to see. There's something so charming about him...

We exchanged quick goodbyes, I don't think he noticed where I was heading-- we're both going to UA. I don't feel like forcing awkward conversation with a stranger though. I let it go, making sure to stay a good 10 feet behind the dude. It can be very awkward to try to talk to someone you just said bye to.

I even went so far as to sit on a different part of the train. After all that, only one thought lingered in my mind...

'Holy Crap my knees are KILLING ME.'


I finally made it to the gates of my new school! It's so amazing to see something so....big! The hill was very hard to get up despite the stairs— honestly The stairs are why it's so hard to get up. There are all these intellect quirks in the world, yet no one comes up with the fantastic idea of putting in an elevator?

'I don't think I could ever get used to this-' I sighed as I continued to think about the stairs. about the stairs.

The public school I went to was nothing like this.

((You can change where you're from, as long as it's far away from where BNHA takes place.))

"Hey, dumbass, are you gonna just stand there, or are you gonna fucking move?" A voice boomed behind me.

I turned around and was met with a handsome boy, yes, even with his angry face he was so damn hot. He had spiky, ashy blonde hair and ref fire eyes like rubies. His eyes narrowed down at me, face showing clear annoyance.

I didn't know what to say. What if I said the wrong thing, and he got angrier? I feel like there's no right or wrong with this guy. Just wrong and wronger.

He scoffed and walked around me. "I'm not gonna bother trying to talk with some quiet bitch anyway."

I'll admit, that hurt a bit to hear. He sped past some green haired kid, who tripped over his own two feet like I did earlier. There was a girl to catch him, so I didn't bother stepping into their conversation.

'eh, he's okay!'


Denki Kaminari x Reader (Serendipity) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now