Chapter 17- Sophie

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The next few weeks felt like a blur of a movie screen in front of Sophie than reality. Everyone had been panicking like crazy when she told them about Fitz.

Alden and Della had both cried.

Biana pleaded for more information about where he might be.

Dex and Marella both looked shocked.

Maruca and Wylie seemed to be at a loss at what to say.

Edaline and Grady grieved about it, and comforted the Vackers.

Tam stayed in the back corner, thinking or moping.

Keefe....... well, Sophie couldn't place it. She wasn't sure what had been going on between him and Fitz, but whatever it was seemed to make his emotions go haywire. Even without being an Empath, Sophie could tell.

But Linh had walked over to Sophie's bed and gave her a big squeeze and asked her how she was doing.

Sophie felt guilty that she had never really gotten to know Linh. She was an amazing person, a superior Hyrdrokinetic, and was nice and sweet. But she didn't get to see her very long.

Everyone started getting busy, looking for Fitz.

Sophie was very frustrated she couldn't help.

But, she listening to Elwin, drank all types of medicine and what-not. She tried laughing at Keefe's jokes, tried blushing whenever he tried to embarrass her, just to make her seem like her normal self, but the strange meeting at the beach with Keefe seemed to change her.

Finally, the two-month agony ended. Sophie returned to Havenfield.

"Sophie!" Edaline squealed and hugged her tightly.

"Hey, mom," Sophie said, her voice muffled.

She felt a little awkward. Sophie felt terrible for leaving her parents without any clue as to where she was going, nor the fact that she had been dying.

"Hey, Kiddo. Are you doing alright?" Grady said, hugging her also.


Edaline and Grady smiled and let her go, looking at her like she was their world.

She couldn't resist it any longer. Sophie needed to say it.

"I'm sorry."

Edaline laughed slightly while Grady chuckled, "For what?"

"For leaving. It was dumb, it was stupid, you guys worried-"

"But you wanted to keep people safe, you had a good goal in mind," Edaline said warmly.

But Sophie shook her head.

"It never would've worked. I would just cause more grief than there already is."

"Kiddo," Grady said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You don't need to blame yourself for everything. You were just trying to do what was right, it doesn't mean it will always come out perfectly, but you were trying."

"Trying isn't good enough," Sophie whispered, tugging out an eyelash.

"Come on," said Edaline, changing the topic, and lead them inside.

"I made mallowmelt, everybody have some!"

Sophie reluctantly sat down and ate a piece of mallowmelt. She instantly felt more steady. One of her favorite treats was helping her spinning head.

"Thanks, mom. I feel a lot better. Can I- can I go up to my room?" Sophie asked hesitantly.

Edaline smiled.

"Of course, honey."

Gratefully, she smiled at her parents, the raced up to her room.

She closed the door softly. There was way too much going on right now. All Sophie wanted to do was flop onto her bed and let her mind cool down.

The trouble was there was somebody already sitting on it.


"Fitz?" Sophie whispered.

The figure sat up and grinned at her.

A figure with familiar teal eyes.

"Hey, Sophie," Fitz said.

Something was off about the conversation. Fitz had been missing for months, and now turned up at her house, perfectly fine?

It didn't make sense.

Sophie gasped.

She staggered back, crashing into her wall when she saw it.

Fitz was wearing a black cloak.

With the symbol of the Neverseen stitched into the side.

A/N: I was thinking about it, and I think that Linh is a little underappreciated in the books. So, personally I was thinking of Keefe comforting her, but I wanted Linh to. I think in the 'current circumstances' she would be the one wanting to help people.

Btw, in case you were wondering, I ship Sokeefe, Tiana, Dex/Marella, Wylinh, and Chandlefitz.

Happy Holidays!

- will0w-tree

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