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Under the warm embrace of the sun's golden rays, Carol found herself nestled in the tranquil haven of her garden, surrounded by the ones she held most dear. The gentle breeze whispered through the vibrant foliage, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers, as if nature itself was serenading their blissful moment.As Carol lay there, her heart overflowed with a profound sense of contentment.

"Carol, don't you need to wake up?" Chloe asked with a gentle tone.

"Just for a little while..." Carol murmured, her body shifting restlessly in her slumber.

“Wake up because we are not here for you anymore.”

As their voices faded, she awoke abruptly, realizing that she was no longer the center of their attention. In the wake of their departure, her once vibrant garden withered away, mirroring the disintegration of her family. Overwhelmed by fear, she jolted upright in bed, her heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and uncertainty.

She awoke in awe, utterly astounded. The lingering impact of the nightmare left her quivering with fear..

The chirping of the birds and the sunlight reflecting on her eyes made her realize the reality.

The surroundings were different and made her uneasy.

“Guess you didn't have a good night here?” A low, nice voice stole Carol's attention.

She gazed in the direction from which the voice came to observe Ragnarök lying beside her, shrugging off.

" Did you miss me, Carol?"

“No, I did not,” averting her gaze away from him, she answers.

Of course, I did, you bastard. Do you even know, I haven't had a proper meal since I heard you were sent to hell, you shit? I missed your annoying face so much, she thinks.

“You shouldn't curse a royal, Carol,” he smirks.

“Did I say it out loud?” confused, Carol asks.

“No, but I can read your face. How many years have we known each other?” he smiles and gets off the bed.

“What is going to happen to my… family?” Carol nervously asks.

“Normally, traitors are ordered to be killed on sight.” Carol pauses at his words.

“But since I promised you, stripping his title and seizing his property is enough.”

He starts taking off his shirt, and Carol gets goosebumps.

“Then what… what about me? What do you want me to do for you?”

“You… Carol, you…" she waits eagerly for his answer.

“Honestly, Carol, you are useless.”

“What did you say?” She gets angry and throws a pillow at him in embarrassment.

He laughs loudly.

“But I said the truth. You don't know housework, no martial arts, don't even know how to hold a sword. What can I even make you do for me?”

Carol is flustered by his words, turning red like a strawberry from head to toe.
She jumps from the bed, aggressively hitting him with her little punches.

“See, you can't even throw a punch,” he mocks her.

“Then why did you let me live? Kill me like you did with the other… who cares? I am useless anyway,” Carol wails while hitting him.

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