Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. VI

271 30 5

Damon Leywin

"Kill them." Virion pointed to the north street, telling Rosa to kill the half-breeds over there. "Don't destroy the buildings if you can." Rosa smirked, she was probably happy, I was happy, a little tired, but I'll be fine. "Damon, take that one." My father motioned to the south street, the one next to his.

"On it." I said, turning to the street, leaving my father and Arthur behind, giving Rosa a look, this was the first time I saw her in a while, she looked the same, though, I wasn't super close with her, out of all my siblings, I was closest to Raven, which made sense if you thought about.

The adrenaline that was washed out of me after killing the soldiers in the academy, came rushing back to me, my eyes started to twitch as I walked toward the force of half-breed vritras in front of me. Some of them had horns, most likely making them the stronger ones, but I don't know, it's only a guess, and I simply don't care.

"Who are you?" The one in the front asked, looking at me, he had decently long horns. "You are a Vritra like us? Where you made from a serum?" I stopped walking, standing about ten yards from them, they seemed somewhat scared by my presence, but not like the other soldiers.

I looked the man in the eyes, feeling a little annoyed that he would compare himself to me. "No, I'm not a half-breed like you." I snarled at him, feeling the mana around my body, pulling it toward me. "Learn your place."

I shot a wind blade through the air, and it sliced the head off the man who was just speaking, his body fell to the ground, and mana started to course through the others. There were about a hundred of them, half-breed vritras, yes, this was going to be interesting.

I "shadow stepped" and appeared between two of them, shooting wind blades through their bodies, spells shot at me, I "shadow stepped" again, appearing around another group of them. I swung my hand up, a wind blade killed another, then I started conjuring black spikes everywhere, I could feel my father doing the same thing.

I conjured a void blade in my hand, deflected a soulfire spear that shot at me, dodged an electric shock, then "shadow stepped" once again, getting out of the way of a couple of spells, letting them either collide with other half-breeds, or letting them die out before they hit anything. I swung my blade up, killing one of them, then was hit with a fire blast in the shoulder, then sliced with an acidic vine, then "shadow stepped again."

I appeared between two more, shooting wind blades through them, cutting the two in half, then sliced another one down that was covered in a stone armor set, but it was unable to protect him. I swung my blade at another, but an ice shard hit me in the shoulder, lodging itself in me. I pushed fire into it, melting it down, then used blood healing to close the wound.

I back stepped a spear, dodged an electric bolt, then was hit with an acidic vine, then "shadow stepped" away, appearing deeper within the force. I conjured wind blades all around me, shooting them out, allowing them to slice through countless mages, even the shields that had formed couldn't hold up against my spell.

I swung my blade down on a mage, cutting them in half, then was hit with some sort of mist that went into my nose, and I shook my head from the scent, pushing it out of my body using my own curse mist, not knowing what it was. A thunder shock hit me, stunning me for a second, then I was hit in the face with a spear, almost slitting my mouth open.

I "shadow stepped" away, killing another as I reappeared, then I shot a wind blade, cutting another one down, using blood healing to heal the wounds that were building up. I brought my sword up, a shield appeared, blocking my strike, then I shot a wind blade at a different mage, but they dodged it.

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