Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. III

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Damon Leywin

I was moving through the city, avoiding any street that may have any soldiers on it, not wanting to be seen by any of them. I knew if they saw me, a person with horns, they would know something was up, the only Vritra in the city would be Scythe Viessa.

I used shadow step when I had to, but it only took me a couple of minutes to arrive at Xyrus Academy, the school where my father went. I'm sure he didn't learn much there, at the time, he was already using blood magic. I was surprised though, the academy wasn't guarded, the soldiers were merely lined up in camps, waiting for something to do within the school grounds.

There were Alacryans and Dicatheons, there were about eight to ten thousand Dicatheons. I know they were following orders, but I would kill them without remorse, they didn't deserve to live. They could have chosen to stay behind in the cities where they were living, Darvus and a couple others did, and they weren't killed.

"Soldiers of Alacrya, Soldiers of Dicathen, I am Arthur Leywin!" Arthur spoke loudly, his voice could be heard even from here, silencing the soldiers in the Academy. "I have come to reclaim the city, if you surrender now, I will not kill you, if any Dicatheon surrenders, you will be welcomed back as an ally!"

I could see that they were shaking in what looked like fear from the sound of Arthur's voice, the Dicatheons though, were looking at one another, trying to put two and two together. I will wait to give them a chance to make the right choice again, but if they don't, fuck them.

"Anyone that is prepared to fight, will receive no mercy!" Arthur said, and the Alacyrans in the front rows activated their shields, but they were obviously scared from Arthur's threat. I was getting to ready to attack, this should be easy, they weren't already scared to the point of collapse.

I could hear spells being fired off in the distance, it wasn't the signal though, but the sounds of the spells shook the mages before me. I could sense a couple of them fall to their knees, not a lot, but maybe a hundred or two.

"This is your last warning!" Arthur shouted, I could sense aether in the air building up, and I was assuming he was about to release an aetheric blast toward the army he was facing. "Lay down your weapons and hold your hands up!"

The crowd grew silent as they waited, then I felt the blast from Arthur being released, killing a couple of Alacryans in the front line. I think I could see a hint of purple from the blast off in the distance, and when I turned back to the force in the academy, there were more falling to the ground.

I felt the ball of fire start to build up in Arthur's hands, he was ready to give the signal, he was ready to kill them. "Surrender or die!" Arthur shouted one last time, and I could sense and see a couple more mages fall to their knees, not being able to fight like Viessa ordered them.

There was a long silence in the air, then Arthur released the fireball spell into the air, and when it exploded, I felt a rush of adrenaline pumped through me. I "shadow stepped" into the front of the army, causing the front line to jump, their eyes to widen, then I released my aura, and more of the mages grouped together fell down, some of the ones on their knees, collapsed.

"My name is Damon Leywin, surrender or die, or surrender and die, your lives are now in my hands!" I shouted to the force before me, conjuring wind blades around me, they slice through air itself, so cutting through a couple of mages won't be hard.

"A Vritra." Someone said, I took a deep breath, conjured a void blade, then shot the wind blades in all directions. I started to use "shadow step" over and over again, vanishing and reappearing all throughout the academy grounds, killing soldiers left and right as they had no idea where I would end up. They didn't even have time to shoot spells at me, because if they did, they would end up hitting their own soldiers.

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