A Promised Upgrade

199 21 4

(One Week Later)

Virion Leywin

I stood on the roof of Taegrin Caelum, it was where the training grounds were. I liked the view from up here, it overlooked all the mountains or whatever they are called. The shield array was still up, making it impossible for anyone to get in here, and I increased security around the base as well.

"Virion." Cecilia called my name, staring at me on the side of the training field. "Are you sure you don't want me to do this? I can take care of training the Wraiths." I was standing in the center of the field with the Wraith Glider and his unit surrounding me. "There's no reason to risk your life right now."

"It's fine, Cecilia, I'm just looking to have fun." I said, pushing blood out around us. "If the Wraiths supposedly can kill asuras in groups of five, they should be able to take me down, but we all know that's not the case, so we need to train them a little more."

"We don't want to hurt you, High --- " The one named Yanis started but was cut off as I vanished and appeared before him, my fist heading towards his face, but Han conjured a shield just in time, protecting his face from my fist.

"You just showed me who the shield was, now what do you all think I'm going to do?" I asked, locking eyes with Han, shooting at him. Glider and Riona stepped in front of me, but I vanished again, and appeared behind them. "If you lose your shield, it's over."

My fist went towards Han's face, and as it did, a shield formed, I vanished again, and my foot went into his back. I kicked him into Riona as she spun around, then I vanished again and appeared before Jilil who was pushing soulfire out of his skin now.

"Soulfire won't work, you should know that." I said as my fist went into his gut, knocking him back, but he didn't stop, his soulfire was still pouring out of him, and as he gathered himself, he shot some at me like scythes.

I vanished before they could hit me, appearing in between Riona, Glider, and Han. I kicked Riona in the back of the knee, dodged Glider's sword of acidic acid, Riona fell, Han conjured a shield, but I disrupted his core so he couldn't.

My fist came down and stopped right in front of Riona's face, and as it did, I pushed my aura out. "Enough." I shook my head, helping the Lady Wraith up to her feet. "This isn't going to work, you five aren't fighting to kill me."

"Sorry." Riona said, looking me in the eyes with her red ones. "We don't want to hurt you, even if we can't, you are now the High Sovereign, it would be rude for us to injure you in anyway." Is this how they would have acted if they were around Agrona? I didn't mind slave them, I was trying to trust them, and it appears to be working.

"You are also very strong." Glider told me, letting his acidic blade hang to his side. "I'll admit I didn't swing my sword at you as hard as I could, but even if I did, you would have dodged it." I shrugged, not knowing what to do. I was trying to help them, but I couldn't do this. "We are sorry."

"No, it's fine." I waved it off, then an idea appeared in my mind. "Alright, so be it, I have a way to train you still." I used my blood magic and conjured two white core clones right beside me. "These are white core clones, they'll barely be strong enough to deal any real damage, but they'll still land some blows, you can kill them, and I can create more."

"Perfect, that sounds a lot better." Glider told me, and as he did, I vanished out of the center of them, appearing beside Cecilia and watched as they began to fight. Selena was in my room, my meeting room, by herself, just sitting on the couch, I could sense. That's probably where I'll go now that I am not fighting.

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