He's Freed Them

200 22 9

Arthur Leywin

I was walking down the hall, heading towards the council room, anger filled my head as I thought about Veer's actions. He's freed the Scythe and Retainer, I knew it was coming, not really, but I didn't think he could simply walk in and do it with ease, no one even sensed him.

I knew that the Kings and Queens were in the council room, Bairon, Kordri, Seris, Caera, and Chul were with them. A surprising combo, one I never thought would be in the same room with one another not so long ago. 

I had gotten back from Epheotus about three hours after leaving, it took some time for the machine to pick up on what I was doing . I showed Kezess god step, figuring that he would never even use it. He has his own version, a version that might be even better than mine, to a sense, I don't stop time, he does, time runs on while I teleport.

I also spoke to him about a lot of other things after that, mostly things about Virion and how he was able to take out Agrona. I told him how he killed me, and how he was in charge now, but the thing that surprised me the most was that he aligned himself with Kezess in a battle.

I didn't know much about what was going on, but it seems like there are issues currently going on in Epheotus between clans. Virion must be planning something, I don't see why he would risk his life, or his children's life for the sake of the dragons. He wants to kill them, why even help in a battle between god like clans.

I would love to know his angle, but right now, we aren't on the same side, or we are, but not working together. I truly didn't think he wanted to rule Dicathen as well as Alacrya, but who knows, maybe he did.

"Grey?" I heard my name come from behind me, and as I spun around, they asked. "Where are you going?" It was Nico, he was heading my way, his expression the same as usual, sad, depressed, I could tell just by looking at him that he missed Cecilia a lot.

"Oh, Nico, I'm heading to the council room." I told him, people here aren't the happiest with Seris and him walking around, more him than her since she was never really here in Dicathen slaughtering us, Nico was known for Etistin, he attacked this place and did some damage.

"Mind if I come with." I shook my head at him, not really caring if he joined or not, since he was a fighter, he would be involved in some way. We started walking together, silence filled the air, it wasn't exactly normal for us to do this, I would say it was more awkward. "How's Tessia?"

"She's good, healthy, the doctor said the baby could come in a month or two." I told him, and he nodded his head. I didn't know why Cecilia had to be Tessia's body, I understood the anchor part with Nico and I, but Veer grew the body, why not grow a different body, ehh, there's no point in thinking about it. "You know, Nico, if everything goes accordingly, you will be part of my baby's life."

"Is that a good idea?" He asked, shaking his head. "How many people here had family members who fought in the war? How many of them did I kill? I don't think that's a good idea, I want to meet your baby, Grey, trust me, but I don't want you to feel forced into it. I've done horrible things because of Agrona, and my love for Cecilia, but I can't use that as an excuse."

"Nico, you can, your mind wasn't your own, even if you were making those decisions, you were being manipulated by Agrona, it wasn't your fault." I told him as we turned the corner, the council room was down this hall. "If you want to leave when this is over with Cecilia when we get her back for you, that's fine, but I hope you don't."

'Is that true?' Regis asked from within me. 'He has a point, he has done a lot of things, and I don't think trusting him around your baby is the best thing to do.' I sent him a mental nudge to shut up.

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