Abolish the Clan Pt. III

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'I know you understood that I was being sarcastic, but I want to make sure you did, please, don't, please do not ask him about his sex life.' Hades thought to me as I got closer and closer to the dragons, their eyes widening at the sight of me. 'Veer.'

'I won't, don't you worry.'  I told him while I rolled my eyes, the two dragons in front of me stepped towards me, and I stopped about ten yards from them, looking them dead in the eyes. "Hey, my names Virion, it's nice to meet you two."

'Really?' Hades said, and I just smiled at the dragons. 'That's how you start a conversation with people that probably want to kill you?' I sent him a mental shrug; I really didn't know what else to say to him.

"We know who you are." The male one said, pointing the spear in his hand at me. "What are you doing here, Devil?" I covered my mouth like I was hurt by that comment. "On your knees or we'll kill you."

"You are an uninvited guess." The female dragon told me, giving me a disgusted look "Like Mino said, on your knees, or die." I removed my hand from my mouth and my expression changed as I made eye contact with them.

"Shut your mouth." I told the dragon, reached into my mana ring and pulled out the head of Agrona Vritra. "I have a present for your King, you either let me in, or end up like him." Their eyes went towards Agrona's head, and they were completely frozen as they stared at it. "Yes, yes, this is Agrona Vritra."

"W-what?" The male said, looking at it. "That's impossible, it can't be him, right?"

"No, Mino, that is him." The female dragon told him, backing away from me and towards the door. "I don't understand how, but it is, and that means Lord Indrath needs to know, the whole council needs to know."

"So, are we going to seriously let him in?" Mino the dragon said, not looking at the other dragon, he still had his eyes locked on the head in my hands that I was about to store away. "Lord Indrath told us ---"

"He has Agrona's head, we can't just let him out here, and if he killed him, we can't be the ones to bring it in." The girl dragon told him, grabbing the door. "Now, get over here and help with this, let him in, Lord Indrath will understand."

"Fine." Mino said, and the two opened the door for me, and I just smiled as I placed the head back into my mana ring, not needing it at the moment. This was going to be entertaining, at least for me, I get to be in a room full of asuras.

I started walking forward, heading into the throne room, Kezess made people meet him in and spoke. "What the fuck is this?" I cried out as I made eye contact with an asura I didn't know. "I'm just playing, I'm sorry I'm a bit late, but I'm here now." 

I turned my head towards the stage as I descended down the rows, the asuras in the room fell silent, but I could sense their anger. "Virion Leywin, I suggest you leave before you get yourself killed." Kezess said as all eyes were on me. "This meeting is for Great Eight members only."

I stopped right in front of the stage, shooting Windsom a smile as I looked away from Kezess and towards him, then back to Kezess. "No, I think I have every right to be here, well, I do after I show you all something."

"You have no right!" Some green headed fuck said to me, and as I rolled my eyes, he stepped my way. "Lord Indrath, let me dispose of him, he isn't welcomed here, we might as well get rid of him while we can."

"Stop." Kezess told him, raising a hand to the green hair guy. "Virion, you understand what you are doing, correct?" I nodded my head at him, I was at a meeting, I don't see how anyone couldn't see that. "You say you have something to show us, then show it, we have no time to play games with you child."

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