Home for Now

485 35 45

One Week Later

I was sitting inside of our new home, well, it wasn't a home, it was more of a resting place. Arthur and Ellie were in the palace, working with the officials of Vildorial. I had no intention of helping out in those matters, politics isn't my thing, and the people in that room simply annoy me.

In the past week, they have been discussing a new Commander, of course, King Glayder is trying to take the role. I don't think he realizes how many people hate him, like actually hate him. King Eralith is all for Arthur taking the lead, same with some others. The elves, everyone in the bunker that I saved, were all for Arthur.

They did ask me about the Grotto, wondering where it was, and if it would be best to go there, but I told them no. I didn't need Arthur to go there and find out about the things I was doing underground, he would know instantly. I also had plans for those elves, I was going to need them to conquer Alacrya.

Another important thing is that Agrona wants Viessa to lead a force against us, he even has sent Wraiths to help her. It's good having spies within his force, I know what he'll do over here before he does it. I just can't tell anyone, otherwise, the mind slave spell will come to light, which I don't want. The force will be here in a week or two, they are slowly preparing the ambush.

Arthur and the council have been preparing Vildorial for an attack, the dwarves add to our force, making it decently large, not that it mattered. I have plans of my own for the attack, I know how they'll do it, and everything.

"Veer." My mother said, walking into the room slowly. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head, leaning back on the couch as she stepped behind it, grabbing my head and kissing my forehead. "You sure?"

"Yes, mom, I'm sure." I told her. "We need to save the rations anyway." I could eat blood, sounds bad, but with this new mana technique, blood was even more delicious to me than before.

"Alright, I only making sure." She told me, going into the kitchen. "It's nice that we have tea again, we were running extremely low in the bunker, now we have plenty again." I wasn't a big tea drinker, so I didn't really care, but if it made her happy, I was all for it.

"That's nice." I said with a smile on my face. "I'm surprised you aren't with dad right now, isn't he passing out supplies to the elves and dwarves?" I bet that is fun, the two races hate each other, can't imagine words aren't being said.

"I wanted to stay with you." She told me, coming into the living room, sitting down beside me. "Shouldn't the great Lance Virion be down there?" She stared at me, a serious face on her. "The people of Dicathen love you, and you know that."

"I know." I said with a smirk on my face as she pulled me into her and started playing with the horns on my head. "Mom!" I said, wondering what she was doing as I leaned my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I just think they look cute on you."

"Mom." I pushed myself away from her, giving her a smile that I couldn't control. "Stop." I got to my feet, looking at her as she smiled back, I could see that she was still tired from what had happened in the bunker.

"Where are you going?" She asked me as I grabbed my cloak, preparing to leave. "I'll go with you; I need a nice walk. I still feel a little off, walking with you might make me feel a little better." She got up from the couch and the two of us made our way to the exit of our little home.

"I just want to see Aya." I told her, wanting to see if she was doing any better. "Hades is with her, but I just want to see her personally." She's awake, which is nice, but can't move her feet or arms, well, she can't move anything.

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