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Warning ⚠️: Child abuse

Warning ⚠️: Child abuse

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11 years ago....

"Little nigga are you dumb deaf or slow?" Uncle Ty yelled throwing bullets at me.

"N n n no" I stuttered watching him skillfully afraid the bullets would pierce my skin

"R r radio!" He laughed evilly slowly walking up to me with something in his hand

"I'm sorry, uncle Ty" I mumbled looking down trynna cover my naked body. My mom always use to tell me my business is my business and no one should be looking, touching or asking about it.

"You? You sorry?" He asked as the sludge hammer in his hands became more visible. Fear took over me as I started shaking scared of his plans with it.

It's been a while since he's hit me with it after the last time when he hit me in the chest with it. I earned a lot of broken bones and it would hurt so bad when I would breath. The doctor would sneak and give me medicine because Tyler said I'm a man and should be able to take a hit and recover.

"Erion !" He yelled pulling me back to present time. His hand went up swinging the sludge hammer while I embraced for impact.

"Daddy you...what's going on?" Terrion asked coming into the punishment room

"Beat his ass or imma do it with this" he smiled admiring the sledgehammer

"Daddy I don't want to" he mumbled. Tyler didn't like that answer as he punched him to the ground before kicking him.

"I didn't ask you that!" He yelled

"Babe what's going on the baby ..never mind" Tt said trynna leave out but he stopped her

"I just got an even better idea...erion you just earned yourself a redo....babe fuck him" he said grabbing Tt arm walking her towards me.

"What! Tyler you said I don't have to do that again" she cried earning a slap across the face. He pushed her down infront of me and she leaned forward touching my private area making me back into the wall to avoid her touch.

"I'm a joke to everyone!" He yelled punching Tt before he punched me in my chest twice making me groan in pain. He took the sledge hammer swinging it at my knees making me instantly fall. Well I was hanging slightly still since I was tied up.

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