Chapter 1. Lillian

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Can't believe it's graduation day! My last day to wear a school uniform and I'll finally go to college.

"Don't forget your wallet, Lils," my brother says as he throws my wallet from the kitchen table.

"Thanks, you sure you're coming later?" I ask him with a little anxious feeling in my stomach.

I know Miles is busy with his work but as my only family I want him to be present at my graduation. My friends are coming with their parents while I have to go alone and wait for Miles during the ceremony.

Miles recently got his full-time job as a doctor after interning for 6 months and his work schedule has been really tight. As a newbie, he rarely has free time so I feel guilty that I have to take his time out today.

"Will be, don't stress. How can I miss my little brother's grad ceremony?" He says ruffling my hair, messing my neat hair up.

I glare at him, softening down my curls again, "Sure. Will see you later then?"

He nods and waves his hand as I get out of the house. I wonder if he's sad about it. When Miles graduated, he was alone at school. I have no idea how it went but when he came back to the Facility, we celebrated it together and he looked happy.

It's been a while since I have seen him happy. And all I wish for him is to get his smile back.

I try not to think about it and take the bus to school. It's three stops from where me and my brother live.

Corell High.

I cannot believe I'm finally leaving this place. I'm older than most of the students here even though I don't look like it. Growing up, I was weak, I kind of still am so I had to take a break from school and lose more than a year.

Stepping off the bus when it reaches the stop, it's a few minutes walk from here to the school compound. The time is still early so I quickly go to my favourite bread bakery place.

Before I walk into the store, I look towards the alleyway to see the black stray cat that's usually there. An instantly smile lifts my face when I see it licking its paws, meowing at me when it sees me.

"Hey there, kitty. Wait for me, okay? Grab you a bun real quick!"

I quickly make rush inside the store so I can grab some bread to feed the cat.

This is my usual routine every morning since I found that there's a stray cat in this alleyway. I head out from home early, telling Miles I would eat bread for breakfast here and he knows I like bread so he doesn't question me much. Though there's always some nagging telling me to eat healthy.

I go out the bakery with a soft bun but when I turn to the alley, I can't see the kitten anymore. Frowning, I call for it walking deeper into the alleyway, wondering if it went away by climbing up the wall. She usually doesn't do that though, she always waits for me to bring some food when she knows I'm here.

"Kitty? Where are you? I brought bread. Kitty?"

Just then I heard a meow sound coming from the roadside. I quickly go out and look for it.

"Kitt- Oh shit."

The cat is stuck in the middle of the road and she seems to be in pain as something heavy is attached to its tail. I look at the traffic and it's still red for pedestrians.

"Kitty, come back here quick! You'll get hurt!"

She meows back at me with having trouble moving. My anxiety is climbing up as I frantically turn to look for any vehicles.

Just then I see a car drive down the lane at full speed. I freeze for a second but the next thing I know, I'm rushing in to get Kitty out of its way.

There's a moment of loud repeated beeping but all I could think, hear, and see is for the black cat to be safe and sound. Embracing the cat, I throw myself on the rough concrete. There is a loud sound of tires screeching on brake, against the road asphalt. And all I can do is close my eyes and wait for the car to hit me, with a loud ring inside my ears.

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