Chapter 3. Lillian

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"Sit down and get comfortable, she's probably on my bed. I'll go and get her," he says and leaves the living room.

The place is looking too expensive to get comfortable. It's a penthouse and the living room itself is too big with a whole glass wall on the left, opening up to see the city view. As much as I want to go near the glass window and see the view, I keep myself small on the sofa seat.

He walks out holding Kitty in his arms and I quickly stand up to take it from him, a smile instantly overtaking my nervous quiver.

"Hey there, how are you?"


It snuggles up at me, licking my face and I can't help but let out a laugh. I look up at the man, whose name I still have no idea, to see him watching us with a small smile himself.

I awkwardly clear my throat, "Thank you for looking after her."

"No worries. I have been wanting to get a pet, I might keep her."

"Really?" I ask surprised. I thought he didn't like cats.

"I'm starting to like her and it's only been just a day. Will be a bit of work but I'll get used to it."

I feel happy that she's going to be at a place I know but then I remember that this man didn't slow down the car for her. I frown and look at him skeptically.

"Are you sure you're going to treat her right? If not, you can give it to me once I get myself an apartment," I say sternly.

I'm serious about this. I love animals and my plan for my career is to get into veterinary.

"She's safe with me. I'll tell you if I ever want to get rid of her," he says with a straight face and I instantly let out a scoff in disbelief.

"You don't say such things about your pet! I'm taking her if you're going to be an ass."

"Calm down, I was joking," he looks at me not expecting me to get so angry about the remark.

"It wasn't funny," I can feel my irritation at him rising again. You don't joke about such things with a straight face.

"I'll keep her, I promise. If you want, you can contact me and check up on her once in a while," he says handing me his business card from the shelf.

Jaeson Reid,
Director of Reid C&C.

It reads with a phone number and email below.

I look up at him and quietly put it inside my pocket.

"I'll go and dress up, wait a while," he says patting Kitty on her head. She moves in my arms, leaning towards him in delight.

"Do you want to have something to drink?" He asks before going.

"Water is fine."

He nods then walks away towards the big kitchen on the right. He comes out with a glass of water and sets it on the table, "Be right back."

I let Kitty sit on the sofa so I can drink the water. Even the water tastes expensive in this suite.

He doesn't come out for a while so I take small steps to get near the glass wall and look over the city view.


No wonder he's the director of such a big company. He drives a fancy sports car, lives in a penthouse apartment suite, son of Corell's founder. Reid Corporation is well known for its variety of lifestyle production and services and everyone knows them.

"It looks better at nighttime," he says from the back, startling me.

Well, it's not like I will ever come here at night. I turn away and lift Kitty again, "I'll go out first."

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