Chapter 2. Jaeson

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I went back home from the event. It's been a while since my dad got bedridden so everything he was supposed to do, I had to do it eventually. Not that I'm complaining because I like it when my schedules are packed.

Taking off my shirt, I glance at the cat who's sitting comfortably on the sofa.

"Meow" it mewls.

I can't believe I brought a stray cat home. She's cute so I guess that's fine.

"Let's get you washed up, shall we?"

I take her to the bathroom and bath her, careful not to touch her injured tail. She growls uncomfortably, but I pat her gently, and soon enough, she gets comfortable with the warm water. I have no idea what her breed is but she's a black cat with big round green eyes. I can see little blue flakes in them as well.

"What's your name? I remember the kid calling you Kitty or is that not a name?"

She meows again.

I think back to the feisty kid with the pouty lips earlier and boy was he a handful to handle.

"Lillian Holden..." That was his name.

I didn't see him with any parent figure earlier in the ceremony. Though, I did see him hugging another boy who didn't seem to be his classmate and they were taking photos.

It was kinda funny how he got shocked on the stage because he didn't expect to see me again, especially there.

I was surprised when he told me he's late for his graduation ceremony and realized he goes to Corell when I glance down at his uniform. Must have overlooked and missed it because my mind was focused more on the near-accident which could have landed me on the news again.

A phone call interrupts my thoughts. It's Jessica, my older sister.

"Dear brother, when are you coming home?" She sounds annoyed.

"I'm busy," I say not adding more.

"Father is asking for you, make some time."

"It's because of him that I'm busy." I simply say.

"I know but that's your responsibility now. He keeps saying he wants to tell you something in person and mom wants to see you as well."


"Are you listening?"


She sighs, "Come visit soon, you'll regret it later."

"Alright," I say then we end the call.

I know what my parents want. A wife, a marriage, and a child. I don't need to go there to know what they're going to tell me.

And if I go there I might end up agreeing as well once I see my father's health state. As much as I want to see my parents, I'm conflicted if I should choose what they want over what I want. And a marriage with someone I probably won't be able to love is not what I want.

I don't want to settle down yet. And I don't have that person I want to settle down with. I'm still young, 28 is not old and my parents know that very well. But ever since my father fell ill, they have been trying to set me up on multiple dates so I could find 'the one' to get married with and start my own family.

'You have the wealth, you have the looks, you also have your own work, you have everything anyone could ask for to have a settled life' is what they keep telling me.

It's been at least five girls my mom has set me up with and none of them clicked for me. From other rich business women to just her ol' friends' daughters, older and younger...I have gone to dates with them all. And I don't want to diss them or anything but I just couldn't feel anything towards them.

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