Chapter 6. Lillian

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I reach back home and make my breakfast. Miles has already left for his work. It's Saturday and I decided I should do my laundry and other chores before heading to Lizzy's for my delivery work.

After having my stomach full, I go to our shared closet and get all the clothes that need to be washed. I remove my outfit and change into a new one. When I check the pockets to get out anything that shouldn't be wet, I suddenly remember that I left my portable charger under the pillow at the Director's place.

I freeze for a moment then quickly check my wallet just to be sure that I hadn't put it back there in the morning.

It's not there, I left it.

I sigh and facepalm myself. I should tell him about it but I don't have his number.

Oh, wait. He gave me his business card before.

I quickly search it under the compartment of my study table and it's there in the corner. I remember placing it there thinking I won't ever need it. I guess I do need it now.

I quickly save it my contacts first but when I am about to press call, I hesitate. For some reason, I'm internally freaking out about having to call him.

I close my eyes and do it anyway. The sooner I solve something, the sooner I get rid of my stress.

The dialing ring goes as I wait for him to receive it.


And my heart starts beating fast for no reason.

"Director, it's Holden. I left my portable charger at your place last night," I say, and then notice how I babbled really quickly. I hope he doesn't hear the nervousness in my voice.

I wait for him to speak again, he is quiet for a few seconds.

"Oh, do you want me to bring it you?"

"No!" I let it out again so quickly, that I scold myself for it. "I left it under the pillow, I just wanted to inform you, I'll come by when I can and take it."

"Sure. Tell me when you will drop by."


"Did you have your breakfast?"


"Okay, have a good day, Holden," and the call ends.

He probably thinks I'm annoying and sloppy leaving my things around, not that I care what he thinks but...

I sigh and continue collecting the laundry clothes.


It's been a few days and I still haven't gone to the Director's place. My academic schedule is tight and I stay two to three hours every day at the public library for research and assignment purposes.

I decide to go on Wednesday after college as I might get some free time then.

Kayden walks in and sits across me, "Hey, I have a request."

I look at him skeptically and he sighs, "I have to go to this fancy party thing next Saturday. And I don't want to go alone so I was hoping you'd agree to come along?"

I keep quiet. I don't enjoy anything that has to do with 'parties'.

"Look I know you hate socializing BUT you can just sit around and do nothing, I just need you to accompany me so I will have an excuse to avoid some people."

"Why do you need to avoid people?" I ask, not really interested but kind of curious.

"Family stuff. But I promise you I won't leave you for a second. Like, that's the reason I want you to go with me."

Say My Name [BoyXBoy/ MXM]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora