Chapter 5. Jaeson

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~6 months later~

I'm working on some files when Roseline walks into my office.

"You busy?" she asks sitting down on the sofa.

"A bit."

"Everyone thinks we're dating for a while now," she says trying to get a reaction out of me but I don't say anything.

She sighs, "My parents are asking to meet you."

I heave out a breath as I stand up from my seat to go to her and lean on the sofa, "You should've told them we are not dating."

"You know I did!" she says exasperated.

"Not enough to convince them, it seems."

"Ugh, I can't do this with you anymore," she says and stands up. "I'm leaving the country next week, probably for good."

She looks sad but I really don't have anything to say. I know I'm an ass about this whole issue and I should have ended whatever this is between us months back. And it wasn't even for selfish reasons I haven't been able to cut it off with her. She likes me and I really wanted to give this a chance hoping there'll be something more between us but there isn't. And she knows that as well. I didn't want to hurt her by denying anything when the article came out months back, which is the reason this dragged on.

"I'm sorry I can't be the person for you," I say and she looks so done with me. She turns to leave the room in exasperation, closing the door a little too loudly as she goes out.

I guess that's how it ends.

I feel empty. Not sad, not angry, just empty and lost with myself.

An hour later, she sends me a message confirming that this is the end. And I decide it's a good day to drown myself in the bar.

I drive down the block to Devlin's bar. The place isn't as tight as it usually is though I'm not a regular. I don't enjoy drinking but I do come down here once in a while with my colleagues.

"Haven't seen you in a while? What brings you here?" The bartender, Dyson says as he pours the liquid into a fancy glass effortlessly before passing it to me.

"I'm a lone soul," I simply say and he gives me a smirk.

"Why don't you go pick someone from there?" He says, slightly moving his chin towards the girls playing pool in the corner.

"Not enough drive for that."

He chuckles, "You're no fun, Director. A few hours with them and you'd forget whatever is on your mind for a while. Live a little."

I shake my head, "Didn't come for that. Came to drown myself, can you get me more?" I ask nodding towards the bottle of wine in his hands.

"Sure, spoilsport."

I ignore him and gulp down the liquid. It tastes like shit and I have no idea why people drink regularly. I kind of get it if they have their bad days just like I am right now but being a regular? I have no idea why they do that.

I stand up to leave after five more glasses. I don't get drunk easily but I can feel myself swaying, and I might have to call up my chauffeur.

I sit back and pull my phone out to call him when a familiar voice from the right stops me.

"I'll just take water."

I turn to the voice and Holden is there.

"You're no fun! Coming to the bar and goes, 'water'. Don't be a killjoy, Lillian." The boy next to him says.

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