Chapter 11. Lillian

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"Lillian, come here."

I am on the sofa reading a novel from his shelf when he calls me from the kitchen. Shifting Kitty from my lap to the sofa, I walk there to see that he's already done cooking. I wanted to help but he didn't let me, saying he wanted to do everything tonight.

"Aah," he says raising a spoon of soup.

"Taste good?" He asks after I sip it.

I nod, "Hmm."

"Come on, let's go upstairs to the balcony. Can you help me bring up these dishes?" His hand is already full carrying two closed bowls so I help him quick.

We get out at a large open space above and there is a table with two comfy chairs. Setting down the dishes, I arrange the plates. There's a grilling space beside the table as well.

"I'll go and get anything that's left. Will you feel cold here? Do you want me to get you a blanket?"

"No, I'll come help," I tell him and follow him back down.

"There's a cabinet next to my bed, get out two from there."


His room, like always, smells like him. I walk over to the cabinet and notice a photo on his bedside table.

Picking it up, I see that it's his family photo. He looks like his dad but I can see that some of his mother's pretty features passed on him.

He looks young here, probably around High school? And Jessica looks bright as always.

My eyes trail back to him again. He looked handsome then as well, bet all the high school girls followed him around.


I hear him calling from outside so quickly setting it down, I open the wardrobe and grab two comfy-looking blankets from there.


Rushing up the stairs, I miss a step and end up slipping on the edge, hurting my ankle,"ouch."

Fortunately, thanks to the blankets, I didn't hurt myself any worse.

"What happened?" He says when he sees me limping slightly even though I tried not to let it show.

"Slipped my foot, nothing serious," I say sitting down beside him who's already grilling the beef.

"I'm starting to think you trip on air as well," he jokes at how clumsy I always am.

Sulking at the comment, I don't say anything. I pass him a blanket and wrap myself with the other. It's already dark so I look up to see the sky and it's pretty amazing up here.

"Let's keep the fire on, so we'll be warm. Can you open the lids so we can start eating? It gets cold fast," he says turning over the meat pieces.

I nod and help get his plate full before I do mine. And we start digging in soon after.

I can appreciate his culinary skills, it always tastes good. I haven't eaten this good food in a long time. And the hot steams makes it tastes just right.


"Yup. Do you eat here a lot?" I ask.

"Only when I have people over?"

"People?" I never expected him to be someone who hangs out with a lot of people.

"By people, it's just Roseline," he admits. "And now, you of course."

I nod, "Did she stay over a lot? She walked in the other day so I assume you guys must have been really close."

"Yeah, pretty much lived together when we needed each other. So I just let her in whenever she wants. Thanks for reminding though, I need to change my door passcode."

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