19- Beast Glades

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"So how much more time until us reach in the dungeon."

"Considering that the last tavern that we will pass before go to the dungeon is in the half of the way, about two weeks."

Two weeks...

The horses are too slow.  Sending mana to inside the horse I didn't feel any trace of mana.

I conjured [All In] and inside the spell a sub spell of lightning, would assemble, refine and spread by his body the lightning mana.

I put the spell inside his body, and while I was riding him I constantly supplied the spell with lightning mana, and resupplied my mana with [ACAROM].

Let's test to see if I can create a mana beast.

"What have you done?"

"I don't know, let's see what happen."

We continued our travel until reach the first tavern, 'Drunk Goblin'.

Opening the door, all the eyes stared at us for a instant before return to their own tables.

Walking to the attendant, Jasmine take the lead and start to talk with her.

"I need two large packs of camping utensils, five large food packs, one whetstone of high quality.

And I would like to sell theses."

Jasmine put the folded fur of the boar with his four horns on the table.

"The total of your purchase will be twenty five silver coins.

I'll take your itens for rate and I'll return with your money and supplements."

Jasmine handed to the girl twenty six silver coins.

"We would like to dinner in there also."

"I'll ask to a barmaid bring your lunch."


We sit in a more isolated table at a corner.

"You are so good at communication jasmine, shall I let all this negotiations with you?"

Ignoring me she just changed of subject.

"What's the point of give me a silver mask and still call me Jasmine in public?"

"So you want a nickname, go ahead, create one."


Even with the mask on her face I can see that she is seriously thinking in a name.

Our food arrived.

My plate with a big steak and red sauce, for Jasmine a plate of fish and salad with white sauce. The barmaid also let two beer mugs.

I keep staring at the beer mug.

"What's the problem?"

"I am not drinking this."

"Well, unless you want that they think that you're a kid and start to find who you real are... It's time to act like a adult."

"I prefer you when you're acting like a sleepy cutie than this realistic adult."

"Acting like... A sleepy cutie?"

"Yeah you know, takes time to wake up after getting up, messy hair, don't know where you are-"

"Stop! I-i understand."

She said while facepalming.

"I really do that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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