Chapter One - Still In Hiding

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// There will be a plot twist later on.

Lisa's POV

It has been almost four years since the 'tragedy' happened, and the world went to shit for a year before it all stopped and suddenly everything went back to normal. But, most of the humanity were replaced with vampirism. Luckily for me though, I had my girlfriend with me. I wanted to propose to her at some point, but we were still in hiding. Well, I was still in hiding. 

"I am only going out for fresh air, babe. I'll be back, I promise." she reassured me while opening the door, "Come back safe. Please. I don't want to lose you." I told her, causing her to come towards me, placing her lips against mine quickly before I watched her leave. I closed the door once she was gone, locking it for extra safety. We were in a little wooden cabin out in the woods, since our old home was destroyed from a suspected rampage. They were looking for me.

A couple of hours later, I was starting to seriously worry about my girlfriend, until I heard a knock on the door and without proper thinking, I got up from the sofa bed, you know, two in one kind of deal. I approached the door and unlocked it, sighing with relief as my girlfriend kept her promise. I wrapped my arms around her in an embrace, "Don't worry me like that again, Belle. I thought they got you." I told her softly. "I did promise that I would come back to you. You need me and I need you, babe." she told me back, returning the embrace. 

We first met in a fancy little club, which was around the time where I applied to become an detective/officer. We dated a couple of times, which then led up to our first kiss under the stars at midnight. That was also almost four years ago...

"Where have you been? What took you so long?" I asked Belle, "I found a beautiful lake and followed it to an abandoned camp. The tents are still there, but no people." she replied. I sighed again, pulling away from her. She walked in, going towards the sofa bed and laid down. She was starting to shiver, causing me to immediately go into 'look after girlfriend' mode as I grabbed the warmest blanket I could find and gently put it on top of Belle. 

Oh, I nearly forgot. I had to check for bite marks.

I sat next to Belle, moving her black hair to the side and checked her neck. "Good. Move your head to the other side please, babe." I told her, watching her do as I say. I checked the other side of her neck and smiled. No bite marks. She was all clear. 

"All clear." I told her, "I know I am all clear. Please stop being paranoid." she told me back. "Being paranoid is what I do best..." I said quietly to myself. 

I leaned down, placing my lips against Belle's for a couple of seconds before pulling back. I then climbed over her and laid down next to her, wrapping my arm around her and moved her close to me. 

"Good night."

"Good night, babe. I love you."

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