Chapter Six - Her Master Reveal

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Lisa's POV

I woke up the next morning, seeing a beautiful view of Belle stretching her arms out after a long rest. She invited me to sleep with her, but not in that  kind of way. She wanted my company and of course I said yes. We were in a spare bedroom, so that was also good. 

Belle turned her head to look at me, giving me a...seductive smile. Was this my imagination?

"Want to join me in the shower, babe?" she offered me. Nope, this wasn't my imagination. "I'm okay." I told her, "If you say so, babe..." she said back before she pulled her shirt up over her head, revealing her bare back. We were comfortable about seeing each other bare, so it wasn't an issue. I watched her stand up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom, stopping for a few moments. I then decided to tease her by getting up and walked over to her, wrapping my arm around her waist and leaned towards her cheek, going to kiss her until she turned her head and her lips found mine. 

Her kisses felt different, more meaningful instead of it being 'just a kiss'. She wanted something from me and we both knew what it was. Damn, she was winning...

I pulled away to breathe, as I was lost in that powerful moment. I looked deeply into her eyes, trying to figure her out. If she was human, or if she was a vampire. She did say something about a bond...

"I'm human, babe. Don't worry." she told me, making me think that she was telling the truth because she was just too 'persuasive'. 

I pulled my shirt over my head, then took off my underwear and lightly pushed Belle into the bathroom, where she led me to the bath tub, simply turning on the shower just by pushing down a lever. "We have to wait for a minute or two for the hot water to come through." she told me, making me nod at her and so we waited. 

Exactly two minutes later, the hot water came through and Belle was the first to step in. I shortly followed her and wrapped my arms around her again. "You know that you can do a lot more than wrapping your arms around me..." she purred at me, "I know, but this is a bit unsafe to be doing anything creative." I told her back, before she chuckled and leaned forward again, placing her lips against mine. 

(<3 <3)

I let out a soft moan, closing my eyes as I felt like I was being taken away into a different world where it was just me and Belle, nobody else. My back touched the cold tiled wall as Belle guided me to it and the kiss only deepened, reconnecting our love that we had for each other. But suddenly, her lips were on my neck. I snapped out of that different world, but I wasn't quick enough. In the corner of my eye, I saw her short fangs and when she looked up, her eyes were purple...


"Do you still love me? Even though that I'm like her now?" she asked me, referring to June. "Yes, I still love you. Don't be daft." I replied, "But, I have to ask this now. If I have time..."

"You have at least fifteen seconds."

"Why do you have purple eyes?" I asked her, "You are my mate and you are June's mate too. You are very special, babe. Lucky and special..." she whispered the last part into my ear before I felt her fangs dig into me. 

That was a master reveal and I wasn't angry at her. 

I was proud. 

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