Chapter Seventeen - Without Knowing

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Lisa's POV

Once I thought  I was full, I pulled away from the human and made them forget what happened, telling them to go on their way. I watched them leave, before my vampire senses suddenly tingled and I began walking again, going into an alleyway where the senses were tingling intensively as I was staring at a lovely couple, making out and they didn't notice that a hungry vampire was watching them and approaching them...

I stood behind the couple, waiting for a perfect moment to strike until I went ahead and yanked the tall one away from the short one, sinking my fangs into the helpless surprised woman. I listened to the short one scream loudly, freaking the fuck out as she watched her girlfriend being drained in front of her. 

A couple of minutes later, I let the now dead girlfriend drop like a ragdoll and put an quick end to the short one's life by draining her too, piling their bodies up and left the alleyway to only be pinned against the wall by June. She followed me?

"You are having a blood lust without knowing, Lisa." she told me, "Go home." she then growled out.

"I'm not done. I'm still hungry." I told her back innocently with a chuckle, trying to get away from her but her grip was so strong and tight. "Then, I am going to keep pinning you until you fucking snap out of it." she told me strictly, in command of this situation. I hissed and she hissed back, and then roughly an hour later, I was snapping out of my aggressive state and was returning back to my normal old self. 

"What...What did I have again?" I asked June tiredly, feeling her grip loosen as she wrapped her arms around me softly, sighing deeply. "It looks like you were having a long blood lust without knowing it. But don't worry, it's over now." June replied, placing a small gentle kiss on the top of my head. "Oh...I'm covered in blood. I stink." I said, before I turned my head to see the bodies. 

"Don't look. I'll sort them out..."

"I'm going to be sick."

"That's the adrenaline making you feel that way. I will bring you home to Belle..."

"No Belle."

"Yes. I will quickly explain everything to her and she'll have a change of mind. She'll take care of you while I take care of this." June told me, causing me to give in. 

"Okay. Take me home, please."

"That is what I'm going to do. Right now..." June said softly to me, before I was picked up by her and a few minutes later, I was back home where I belonged. 

I needed a bubble bath and some much needed cuddles from Belle...

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