Chapter Three - Shock

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Lisa's POV

Maybe I could cure my paranoia by going out-out. I mean, it would stop me from talking to myself like a weird person. It has been a month since our argument, and nothing was heard. It was just silence out there, apart from the wind hitting the trees. I was thinking...I was thinking about leaving the cabin and going somewhere safer. Away from the painful memories, especially that argument. I totally let my anger get the best of me in that situation. It was my fault and my mistake. I was the problem and that problem had to go on a journey.

I stepped out of the cabin, wearing a dark hoodie and some ripped jeans to go along with it, pulling the hood up and then stepped further out. I couldn't turn back now. I couldn't be in the shadows anymore. 

An hour into my journey, I started to become tired as my legs felt like they were going to collapse, so I stopped and sat down on a tree stump, thanking myself at the same time for not bringing anything heavy. I also had nothing to drink, so that was also a problem. I waited a couple of minutes and stood up from the stump, feeling slightly more energized to carry on going and carry on moving until I heard a familiar laugh that echoed through the woods, then a scream followed it. 

It sounded like it was close too...

I decided to cautiously go towards the laughing and screaming, quickly going down as soon as I saw a couple that looked way too familiar to me. Another couple of minutes later, it was scarily quiet. I already knew that I got caught as my ex-love was behind me. I could sense her presence anywhere and any-time. 

"I knew you would come out of that cabin eventually." Belle purred, before she moved my arms behind my back, arresting me? Why was she arresting me?

I felt her tie rough rope around my wrists, tying a knot in the middle and she then began moving me away from the tree and we walked down a little hill until I saw the vampire that made me go...

"What the fuck?"


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