Chapter Four - Monster

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Lisa's POV

"You fucking..." I was about to say until Belle interrupted me by shushing me to calm me down even though my blood felt like it was boiling from my inner rage. "I know you have history with her, but now is not the time." Belle told me calmly, before she took me into a castle that looked like it had been abandoned for a while but it was June's home. That monster...

I couldn't wait to grab her throat and...

"Hey. Don't even try to do that. Trust me." Belle then told me, still speaking to me softly as she pushed me into a cell and closed the door behind my back. "I wasn't even thinking about doing anything." I told her angrily, which made her sigh. "A lot can happen in a month, Lisa. You aren't ready to see the truth." she said to me, before she turned around and left. 

A couple of hours later, I was falling asleep in the corner of my tiny cell until I felt Belle's presence again, causing me to look up. It wasn't her. It was June. Great.

"Are you ready to talk or do you need more time?" she asked me, "Bring me Belle." I ordered her. "She's sleeping, so no." she replied, before I watched her open the cell door and stepped in, going over to me and took off my restraints. I stood up, and thought about it for a split second, but Belle's advice replayed in my mind. No. Don't even try. 

"If you weren't special, I would have killed you along with them, but I saved you for a reason." she told me what she would have done. "Belle said a couple of hours ago that a lot can happen in a month. What did you do to her?" I asked her, beginning to interrogate June. "She's different. That's all I can tell you for now. The rest of the reveal will be up to her. Now, you must be starving and dehydrated. How about we leave this damp cell and go upstairs to the kitchen?" she offered me. 

"Lead the way." I told her with a deep sigh, seeing as I was useless at the moment.

June then offered her hand to me, "I'm good. I can follow you." I told her, "I know you got nothing on you, but it's just for our safety. Mine and Belle's." she told me back, giving me no other option. 

"Fine." I said, before I took her hand. 

"Monster." I then said under my breath which made June pin me against the wall suddenly. "Call me that one more fucking time, princess, and you will see hell." she threatened me. 

"Call me princess one more fucking time and you will see hell." I threatened her back, before she pulled back, her fangs bared at me and her eyes were the darkest of red. "We are enemies. Got it? I don't like you. I hate you." I told her my feelings towards her. 


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