Why Beerus being stronger than Black Frieza is terrible writing

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When Frieza returned in the Granolah arc it was the beginning of the end, in chapter 87 of the Dragon Ball Super manga, Frieza showed up and utterly destroyed Gas someone who we thought was the strongest in the universe with little to no effort. And that was in his base form and that's when Frieza revealed his new form: Black Frieza. This form was so strong that he one shot Ultra Instinct Goku and Ultra Ego Vegeta with just one attack and from that point on Frieza is set to be the biggest threat the Dragon Ball universe has ever seen in the future. However despite according to the V-Jump magazine Beerus is still stronger than Frieza. As it's stats that Frieza is CLOSE to the God of Destruction. Key word being close.

With this conformation this means that Beerus is stronger than Black Frieza and I have some problems with this and today I'm going to be explaining why Beerus being stronger than Frieza at this point in the story is terrible writing from a story t...

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With this conformation this means that Beerus is stronger than Black Frieza and I have some problems with this and today I'm going to be explaining why Beerus being stronger than Frieza at this point in the story is terrible writing from a story telling prospective so without further ado let's get started.

So when look at Chapter 87 it says that The Universe's Strongest appears of you guys aren't aware in the Granolah arc, Gas used the power of the Super Dragon Balls to wish to become the strongest in the entire universe, Frieza was able to bypass the wish by training in the Time Chamber for 10 years or exiting universe 7 to do so it would actually make sense for Frieza to not be affected by the wish which is why when Goku and Vegeta asked Frieza how he was able to kill Gas since he wished to become the strongest in the universe which by that logic should mean Frieza should be fodder in comparison to Gas, yet it's the other way around. Based on the title as well as the fish I think it's safe to assume that the strongest in the universe is likely Frieza and if that's the case this brings up an issue. If Gas wished to be the strongest in the universe by that logic that would mean or at least it should mean that he's stronger than Beerus. Now don't get me wrong Beerus's power is immeasurable but the thing is it shouldn't matter how strong you are or how much you train unless you do the same thing Frieza did, you are utter fodder in comparison to Gas and by extension Frieza so if Beerus is stronger than Frieza by that logic Beerus is the strongest in the universe unless of course your name is Whis or one of the angels and Zeno. It makes absolutely no sense to have Beerus be stronger than Frieza when you basically implied that Frieza is the strongest in the universe. I swear Toriyama just constantly goes against some of his own rules to train and make things make sense when it just doesn't make sense like Whis saying angels aren't supposed to fight or interfere with any type of conflict they will vanish even though Whis reversed the distinction of Earth and the two Zenos situation.

And this goes to my next issue, Beerus being stronger than Frieza not only diminishes any character development Frieza has gained up until this point but it completely destroys the stakes to what's the come. When we take a good look at Frieza ever since he was introduced, Frieza always makes sure that he stands above everything and everyone else. As we all know Frieza and Beerus have a history but Beerus eventually saw Frieza as too evil and needed to be stopped. And when Frieza returns as Golden Frieza we saw the look of shock and terror on his face at the sight of Beerus, because Beerus at that time would've utterly destroyed Frieza id he chose to get involved. We even see his resolution where Frieza tells Beerus that one day Beerus won't be able to do as he pleases and that Frieza will have the last laugh. Then when we get to the Tournament of Power when Goku uses Ultra Instinct, all the Gods including the Gods of Destruction look on in shock at Goku's level of power and Frieza smirks menacingly as he sees that the sight of a mortal reaching a level of power that's close to the Gods themselves clearly sparked a perfect idea in Frieza on how he plans to take over the Gods. Toriyama was clearly building up Frieza as the biggest threat the entire Dragon Ball verse has ever seen. And looking at this from a writing prospective it actually makes sense even though it was stated that Broly and Beerus are still stronger than Goku implying that Goku needs to worry about them when in reality it's Frieza that should be Goku's biggest concern, Frieza is the main villain of the entire Dragon Ball franchise and is clearly being set up as the biggest threat in the franchise. The reason why having Beerus being stronger than Frieza at this point in the story takes a way takes away any high stakes that would've happened is because that would mean that as long as Beerus is around there is nothing to worry about as Frieza could just one shot him when really having Frieza being stronger than Beerus actually rises the high stakes for the future of the series because if Beerus can go down, nobody is safe and this would inspire Goku, Vegeta, and co to work even harder to stop Frieza once and for all. Now I might be jumping the gun maybe Black Frieza isn't his strongest form maybe he has another trick up his sleeve and that's what makes him stronger than Beerus IDK. Either way having Beerus stronger than Frieza is still terrible writing and Toriyama definitely dropped the ball on that one as all those years of build up for Frieza's character to making him a much bigger threat is down the drain.

But anyways guys that's it for the chapter let me know what your thoughts are in the comment section below and I will see you all next time. Peace.

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